It is the end of a long 4-day weekend for me, starting Friday with my 29th birthday. Went out with some friends that evening. Drank a lot. Got annoyed because some people were all, "I can't mix my liquor," so I was all "I can only mix my liquor." Paid the price to carry out that charade, I tell you what. Daiquiris + Chardonnay + Miller Lite + Sex on the Beach + Rum & Coke= icky tummy the next morning. Met a pilot who I kept insisting was a pirate. He didn't think I was too witty. Perhaps it was the absence of brandy on my list of drinks.
Saturday morning my mom flew in. Dad stayed in IL with a nasty cough and headache. Went to Meg's Christmas show in the evening. It was wild. Meg slipped on her big yellow dress and fell on her bum during one number, then later came out with only one shoe buckled. That one was a high-kick number and we were all in the second row, maybe 20 feet from the loose shoe. Terrifying. Then I looked over and Lucy was drinking. No, slurping out of a flask. What a family!
Overall, the show was fun and it was good to see Meg performing again. She'll be choreographing a production of High School Musical next.
Sunday I drove mom to the airport, cleaned up my house a bit, played some numbers from Hairspray (Meg gave me the sheet music for my birthday), went on a run, changed the sheets on my bed, and watched the finale of Survivor.
Went on another run today, and the weather was finally great! It was almost 30 degrees, sunny, and not windy. I even heard birds chirping. It felt like spring! Unfortunately with the roads so clear, drivers decided to speed it up and I almost got hit twice in the last 1/4 mile. I have never really been in any danger running on the roads, but today shook me up a bit. I think I may stick to running around lakes for awhile. Why, oh why, aren't there any sidewalks?
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Christmas Songs
There are definitely a few Christmas songs that I love to hear as well as some that I absolutely cannot stand. Here are my lists so far. What do you think?
Favorite Christmas Songs
Mariah Carey: "All I Want For Christmas Is You"
The Chipmunks: "Christmas Time Is Here"
Celine Dion: "O Holy Night"
Elvis: "Blue Christmas"
Anything sung by the Carpenters
Worst Christmas Songs
"The Holiday Season" (Happy Holidays - Happy HOLidays - Happy Holidays - Happy HOLidays ...)
Anything sung by Michael Crawford. It's just creepy.
"Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"
Bing Crosby and David Bowie duet: "The Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth"
"Feliz Navidad"
Paul McCartney's "Wonderful Christmas Time" (simmmm-PLY, HAV-ing, a wonderful Christmas time.)
"The Twelve Days of Christmas" (except the Muppet version)
Favorite Christmas Songs
Mariah Carey: "All I Want For Christmas Is You"
The Chipmunks: "Christmas Time Is Here"
Celine Dion: "O Holy Night"
Elvis: "Blue Christmas"
Anything sung by the Carpenters
Worst Christmas Songs
"The Holiday Season" (Happy Holidays - Happy HOLidays - Happy Holidays - Happy HOLidays ...)
Anything sung by Michael Crawford. It's just creepy.
"Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"
Bing Crosby and David Bowie duet: "The Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth"
"Feliz Navidad"
Paul McCartney's "Wonderful Christmas Time" (simmmm-PLY, HAV-ing, a wonderful Christmas time.)
"The Twelve Days of Christmas" (except the Muppet version)
Saturday, December 8, 2007
"As my Great Aunt Gert used to say, 'This smells funny. And I'm not going to eat it.'"
So here's a first for me: my power went out in the middle of the night and my alarm didn't go off. I took it as a sign and called work to say I wouldn't be in today. Thank goodness I'm still in orientation and my not being there doesn't matter a hill of beans to anybody.
Life in the ER has been pretty interesting. I am slowly understanding how things work down there and what my role is. My brain has been on overdrive lately, though. I find myself asking questions all the time. So much so that I haven't felt comfortable making a decision on my own, even outside the hospital. For instance:
-Should I pay $4 and rent a video at this place, or drive a little farther and pay $1?
-Do I have to eat this yogurt by the 'Use By' date and will I get sick if I eat it 2 weeks later?
-Is it ok to crank my heat up to 68 degrees when I'm not home just so it will be warm when I get home?
All those petty little questions that pop up seem really important until I snap out of it and see how ridiculous I am.
I've been running a bit. Not frequently. It's been a little chilly, but the real problem has been the lack of plowing/shoveling. My streets are still snow-covered 2 days after the last snow, and West St. Paul has a serious lack of sidewalks. This is about the time of year I toss around the idea of joining a gym. But then I come to my senses and remember that I cannot stand driving over to a gym, the fees, the pressure to do more than just run, etc.
Just about all of my Christmas shopping is done! Yesterday, the UPS man delivered the last of the stuff I ordered online. What a relief! I'm always worried it won't get here on time.
That's all for now. I'll try to go to work tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I Do Not Love My Cub!
I really didn't need another reason not go to the Cub Foods store located basically in my backyard, what with it's crazy aisle layout and complete disorganization of canned beans, but I read this in the paper today and now I'm sold.
A Twin Cities bank was held up twice in one day -- by different robbers.
It happened yesterday at a TCF Bank in a Cub Foods in West St. Paul.
The FBI says the first robbery happened around nine in the morning, when a man presented a demand note to a bank teller and implied he had a gun.
The man got an undisclosed amount of cash, then left the grocery store and ran away to a wooded area. Police searched but could not find the suspect.
Just before two in the afternoon, the second robber struck. He showed bank employees a handgun tucked into his waistband, then also ran away into the nearby woods with an undisclosed amount of cash.
He's also at large.
Those "nearby woods"? My backyard.
I almost feel sorry for robber #2. All that robbery preparation only to find that someone beat you to the job a mere 5 hours earlier. Too bad.
A Twin Cities bank was held up twice in one day -- by different robbers.
It happened yesterday at a TCF Bank in a Cub Foods in West St. Paul.
The FBI says the first robbery happened around nine in the morning, when a man presented a demand note to a bank teller and implied he had a gun.
The man got an undisclosed amount of cash, then left the grocery store and ran away to a wooded area. Police searched but could not find the suspect.
Just before two in the afternoon, the second robber struck. He showed bank employees a handgun tucked into his waistband, then also ran away into the nearby woods with an undisclosed amount of cash.
He's also at large.
Those "nearby woods"? My backyard.
I almost feel sorry for robber #2. All that robbery preparation only to find that someone beat you to the job a mere 5 hours earlier. Too bad.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Bakin' Chicken Willy
What a fun, busy weekend!
It all started Friday, my last day of work on 4400. Pretty good day, but hard to leave. Emptied out junk from mailbox and locker and gave lots of hugs.
From work, drove 3 hours to the WI Dells to meet WSU friends Rhi, Rachel and Carolyn. Arrived around 7pm at our hotel, the Copa Cabana, offering two beds, two sinks, and two Asian Beetles. All for a low, low price! R,R & C all live in the Milwaukee area, and it was great to catch up on everything. Went to Houlihan's for dinner. It was delightful once we moved to a table in a less smokey area. Can't really believe smoking is still allowed in restaurants. Had the French Dip on sourdough which, although edible, I would never order again.
The next morning, went shopping at an outlet mall, then ate lunch at the Moose Jaw. Had to move to a different table again, this time so we weren't in the cold entryway. (Seriously, the 4 of us are the most easy-going, non-complaining people you will find. For some reason when we're all together, we make quite the high-maintenance quartet.)
After lunch, Carolyn's car decided to freak out. Lots of clicks and flashing lights, but no starting. Called the AAA people, and Mike's Towing came over and gave us a jump. Thank goodness!
Drove back to the cities, then went to Meg's Old School Slumber Party. Lots of food and chattering, very little slumbering. Drove home the next morning, then got picked up by Meg, Joel and the kids, and headed to Deena & Tim's house in Apple Valley for a Viking/Packer party. More food and chattering, very little Viking scoring. Got home around 4-ish, then crashed.
I almost finished painting my kitchen today. Only one more coat left, then it's done! Found out that I go to computer training tomorrow at Abbott NW, then start in the ED Wed and Thurs evenings. This last-minute scheduling is driving me a little crazy, but I know it will get better.
Happy belated 32nd anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald! (November 10, 1975.) And thank you, Gordon Lightfoot, for your tribute to the ship, the sea, and the men who lost their lives. Your song has been running through my head all weekend.
It all started Friday, my last day of work on 4400. Pretty good day, but hard to leave. Emptied out junk from mailbox and locker and gave lots of hugs.
From work, drove 3 hours to the WI Dells to meet WSU friends Rhi, Rachel and Carolyn. Arrived around 7pm at our hotel, the Copa Cabana, offering two beds, two sinks, and two Asian Beetles. All for a low, low price! R,R & C all live in the Milwaukee area, and it was great to catch up on everything. Went to Houlihan's for dinner. It was delightful once we moved to a table in a less smokey area. Can't really believe smoking is still allowed in restaurants. Had the French Dip on sourdough which, although edible, I would never order again.
The next morning, went shopping at an outlet mall, then ate lunch at the Moose Jaw. Had to move to a different table again, this time so we weren't in the cold entryway. (Seriously, the 4 of us are the most easy-going, non-complaining people you will find. For some reason when we're all together, we make quite the high-maintenance quartet.)
After lunch, Carolyn's car decided to freak out. Lots of clicks and flashing lights, but no starting. Called the AAA people, and Mike's Towing came over and gave us a jump. Thank goodness!
Drove back to the cities, then went to Meg's Old School Slumber Party. Lots of food and chattering, very little slumbering. Drove home the next morning, then got picked up by Meg, Joel and the kids, and headed to Deena & Tim's house in Apple Valley for a Viking/Packer party. More food and chattering, very little Viking scoring. Got home around 4-ish, then crashed.
I almost finished painting my kitchen today. Only one more coat left, then it's done! Found out that I go to computer training tomorrow at Abbott NW, then start in the ED Wed and Thurs evenings. This last-minute scheduling is driving me a little crazy, but I know it will get better.
Happy belated 32nd anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald! (November 10, 1975.) And thank you, Gordon Lightfoot, for your tribute to the ship, the sea, and the men who lost their lives. Your song has been running through my head all weekend.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Goodbye Wallpaper!
The wallpaper in my kitchen is gone, gone, gone! I hired 2 guys to do the job, and it was money well spent. They got all that nasty wallpaper off in less than 3 hours! I bought paint and supplies today at Home Depot, spackled and sanded, and I'll try to get the primer on tonight.
I just got a call from the scheduler for the Emergency Dept, and my first day of training is a week from tomorrow. EEEK!!! My last day on 4400 is this Friday. I cannot believe how fast this is all happening.
I walked around the Mall of America this afternoon and bought a ton of scrubs at Ragstock. They were in the Halloween section for 50% off. They are super old but soft, and only $2 (on sale from $4) - unbelievable! That reminds me, I have some laundry to do...
I just got a call from the scheduler for the Emergency Dept, and my first day of training is a week from tomorrow. EEEK!!! My last day on 4400 is this Friday. I cannot believe how fast this is all happening.
I walked around the Mall of America this afternoon and bought a ton of scrubs at Ragstock. They were in the Halloween section for 50% off. They are super old but soft, and only $2 (on sale from $4) - unbelievable! That reminds me, I have some laundry to do...
Thursday, November 1, 2007
If a good cry is what you need...
...then you have to check out this Nova documentary on PBS called "Marathon Challenge". It aired on Tuesday, but I taped it and watched it today. Here is the description:
How do you run 26.2 miles if you have trouble making it around the block? With good coaching, discipline, and lots of group support, as NOVA shows when it follows 13 generally sedentary people through a training regimen designed to prepare them for an ultimate test of stamina and endurance. "Marathon Challenge" takes viewers on a unique adventure inside the human body, tracking the physiological changes that exercise can bring about.
Maybe it's because I just went through a similar experience, but I cried through the entire hour of this. I'm not sure if or when it will air again, but I have it on tape if you care to watch it. Or you can probably watch it online at And it's narrated by Liev Schreiber.
How do you run 26.2 miles if you have trouble making it around the block? With good coaching, discipline, and lots of group support, as NOVA shows when it follows 13 generally sedentary people through a training regimen designed to prepare them for an ultimate test of stamina and endurance. "Marathon Challenge" takes viewers on a unique adventure inside the human body, tracking the physiological changes that exercise can bring about.
Maybe it's because I just went through a similar experience, but I cried through the entire hour of this. I'm not sure if or when it will air again, but I have it on tape if you care to watch it. Or you can probably watch it online at And it's narrated by Liev Schreiber.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
I woke up early this morning because 2 guys were coming over to check out my furnace and dryer vent and water heater. It was only mildly embarrassing. I didn't know I was supposed to be washing the filter screens every 2-3 months. I've never done it in the 4 years I've been here. Whoops. Anyway, I have never been more excited to do a load of laundry. It only took one cycle in the dryer, and my clothes were completely dry! It was taking me up to 3 cycles before.
I have more people coming over this afternoon to look at the wallpaper in my kitchen and bedroom to see if they will be able to remove it. I'm not too optimistic about it.
I just got back from a nice run around West St Paul. It's a little breezier than I would have liked, but it's sunny and mid 50's. No rain on Halloween? Astounding!
I woke up early this morning because 2 guys were coming over to check out my furnace and dryer vent and water heater. It was only mildly embarrassing. I didn't know I was supposed to be washing the filter screens every 2-3 months. I've never done it in the 4 years I've been here. Whoops. Anyway, I have never been more excited to do a load of laundry. It only took one cycle in the dryer, and my clothes were completely dry! It was taking me up to 3 cycles before.
I have more people coming over this afternoon to look at the wallpaper in my kitchen and bedroom to see if they will be able to remove it. I'm not too optimistic about it.
I just got back from a nice run around West St Paul. It's a little breezier than I would have liked, but it's sunny and mid 50's. No rain on Halloween? Astounding!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
"Baseball begins in the spring, the season of new life. Football begins in the fall, when everything's dying." -George Carlin
A taco for you
and a taco for me.
A taco for a stolen base
by Jacoby Ellsbury!
Because there was a stolen base in the World Series (actually there were 3, but it only took 1), all of America gets a free taco from Taco Bell today! I almost forgot to pick mine up, but Meg called me at work to remind me. It was delicious! But now I am sad because baseball season is over. Only 122 days until Spring Training 2008!
I had a fantastic weekend in Chi-town! I drove in with Meg, Joel and the kids Thursday night. Meg and I went for a jog on Friday, and then she and mom and I went shopping. I got some new scrubs and a persimmon. I was able to see my friends Jen and Mark that evening, then Saturday morning I took the train downtown to have breakfast with my friend Caryn in Greektown. After that I made my way back up to Ellen's part of town. She and the Blaze met me on their bikes. We hung out for a bit, then drove to the 'burbs for a sleepover at my parent's house. Fun fun.
Sunday morning we all went over to RMHS for the annual Shannon McNamara run/walk, then Meg, Joel, the kids and I packed up and headed up to Milwaukee. My friend Carolyn's baby was baptized, and we made it in time for the party afterwards. It was great to see everyone up there. So many little people!
and a taco for me.
A taco for a stolen base
by Jacoby Ellsbury!
Because there was a stolen base in the World Series (actually there were 3, but it only took 1), all of America gets a free taco from Taco Bell today! I almost forgot to pick mine up, but Meg called me at work to remind me. It was delicious! But now I am sad because baseball season is over. Only 122 days until Spring Training 2008!
I had a fantastic weekend in Chi-town! I drove in with Meg, Joel and the kids Thursday night. Meg and I went for a jog on Friday, and then she and mom and I went shopping. I got some new scrubs and a persimmon. I was able to see my friends Jen and Mark that evening, then Saturday morning I took the train downtown to have breakfast with my friend Caryn in Greektown. After that I made my way back up to Ellen's part of town. She and the Blaze met me on their bikes. We hung out for a bit, then drove to the 'burbs for a sleepover at my parent's house. Fun fun.
Sunday morning we all went over to RMHS for the annual Shannon McNamara run/walk, then Meg, Joel, the kids and I packed up and headed up to Milwaukee. My friend Carolyn's baby was baptized, and we made it in time for the party afterwards. It was great to see everyone up there. So many little people!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Maybe I'm Just Crabby?
A girl I work with had a baby girl yesterday. Natalie is 9lbs 4oz, and 20in long. Congratulations, Michelle! I went to Target tonight to get her a few gifts, and I bought a large gift bag and tissue paper so the gifts would look pretty. As I was checking out, the lady unfolded the gift bag and started putting everything in the bag. She asked, "Is it ok if I just put all your stuff in here?" I thought about it for like, 2 seconds, but by that time she had already jammed everything in there, including the pack of gum and Q-tips I bought for myself. I know it's totally no big deal, but now the bag is kind of wrinkly, and as I carried it out of Target a huge gust of wind blew and the bag tore a little. (It was really really windy today.)
I guess I should have spoken up, but come on. Really. Just throw it in a plastic Target bag and I'll be on my way. Or maybe I'm just crabby?
I guess I should have spoken up, but come on. Really. Just throw it in a plastic Target bag and I'll be on my way. Or maybe I'm just crabby?
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Post-Marathon Bliss
I was on a high the entire week following the marathon. It was so fun talking about my experience! I worked that whole week, and my feet were pretty sore. As of this posting (exactly 2 weeks later), I have lost a total of 3 toenails with one more on it's way out.
I am planning on going on a 3 mile run today. It will be my first run since the 26.2-er, and I'm a little nervous. I'm ready, though. I've been itchin' to get out there again!
Throughout the course of last week, I applied and interviewed for, got offered and have accepted a position in the Emergency Department at my hospital. I have been working on a medicine unit for 6 years, and although I really like what I'm doing now, I just want to see what else is out there. My leader can keep me for up to 3 months, but I could transfer as soon as next month. I just have to wait and see. Either way, I'm really excited to try something different!
Last night, Meg and I saw "Urinetown the Musical" at Bloomington Civic Theatre. It was a good production, and I just love live theater.
That's all I've got for now. I hope everyone is having a nice long, relaxing weekend!
I am planning on going on a 3 mile run today. It will be my first run since the 26.2-er, and I'm a little nervous. I'm ready, though. I've been itchin' to get out there again!
Throughout the course of last week, I applied and interviewed for, got offered and have accepted a position in the Emergency Department at my hospital. I have been working on a medicine unit for 6 years, and although I really like what I'm doing now, I just want to see what else is out there. My leader can keep me for up to 3 months, but I could transfer as soon as next month. I just have to wait and see. Either way, I'm really excited to try something different!
Last night, Meg and I saw "Urinetown the Musical" at Bloomington Civic Theatre. It was a good production, and I just love live theater.
That's all I've got for now. I hope everyone is having a nice long, relaxing weekend!
Monday, October 8, 2007

Chelsie, Dad, Meg, Jean
The original Ryans plus Eric.
I did it!
I completed the 2007 Twin Cities Marathon!!! It was the warmest TCM in history, with 74 degrees and 87% humidity at the start rising to 85 degrees and 65% humidity late in the morning. Here's how it went down:
Meg dropped me off at the Metrodome at 7am Sunday morning. We listened to "Defying Gravity" from Wicked on the way. I was wearing all black: shorts, tank, visor. I stretched a bit, went to the bathroom, and walked in and around the dome. It was neat being inside the Metrodome - it was completely empty and the lights were off, but I could see the yard lines on the field and the press boxes, etc. Not sure why, but that kind of thing gives me goose bumps.
At about 7:45am, I moved down towards the start. I was in Wave 2. (Wave 1 consists of those who have completed a sub 3:45 marathon OR sub 1:45 half marathon, OR have a Boston qualifying time within the last two years. Wave 2 is everyone else.)
I felt like a sardine. Meg had written my name down my arm in eye black, and I got pushed into some dude who then had JEAN on his arm, too! (It was backwards, of course, but it made me laugh.) Someone sang the National Anthem, then the wheelchairs were off at 7:50. Wave 1 started at 8am, and Wave 2 about 5 minutes later. I crossed the starting gate at 8:07 on my watch.
I was not a bit nervous - just really excited to run! Running through Minneapolis was fun. At one point I was running up an incline, and there were thousands of heads bobbing in front of me. So cool.
In the first mile I saw Alan Page (former MN Viking, speaker at Meg's college graduation, and the first active NFL player to finish a marathon) playing the tuba. I yelled out his name and he winked at me from behind his huge brass instrument.
I saw my parents at mile 8.5. Mom was trying to take my picture and dad was holding up an "I'm Bloated" sign (inside joke) and a paper-mâché mermaid I made in 3rd(?) grade. Bizarre. I saw Ellen & Eric at mile 11, my friend Donna at mile 12, then my parents again just after that, holding up more signs. Meg and our friend Chelsie rode bikes along the way, and I saw them first around mile 13? Meg had her huge gold pom-pons flailing away. She gave me a shot block and my chapstick then. Good.
I started to hit the wall around miles 16-18. It was very sunny and warm at that point, and I was going a bit uphill. I saw Ellen & Eric again around mile 17, and El said something about how there were going to be people spread out along the rest of the way cheering for me. All I could think of was that if I walked, someone I knew would see me, and I couldn't have that, so I had to keep running.
Miles 20-23 were the worst. It was a pretty steep incline through that area, and I was tired. I didn't walk, though, and at one point I looked up and realized that I was actually the only one running. (Meg can attest to this - she noticed it too!) Thank goodness she and Chelsie were there for most of that part. They were riding on the path next to the street yelling at me to pick up my feet, use my arms, etc. Meg tried to sing, but her voice was so scratchy (she's been sick the last couple days) and not only was it making me laugh, but it sounded painful. I cut her off.
I walked through each water station to make sure the liquids actually made it down. I grabbed one blue Powerade and 2 waters. The second water I always poured over my head. (Except at mile 20 when the guy in front of me dumped his full cup on his head, but it missed and landed on my face. So I drank my second water instead.) I also ran through the sprinklers and hoses people had set up outside their houses. That really helped keep me cool.
At mile 22, I saw a guy who works at my hospital sitting on the curb stretching. He had been ahead of me from the start, and I yelled out "Hey! United Hospital!" (I didn't know his name) "Let's go!" He popped up and ran with me for the next mile. His name was Jason, and I lost him after the water station at mile 23. I was glad, too. I really wanted to finish it off on my own.
Summit Avenue was beautiful, and there were thousands of people on both sides yelling and cheering. Once I got to the top of Summit (mile 25), I knew I had made it. The final 1/2 mile stretch was awesome. I could see the finish line with the Capitol behind it. My family was on the right screaming and clapping and jumping up and down.
I crossed the finish line with an official time of 4 hours: 55 minutes: 12 seconds. My chip time= 4:48:03. My pace= 10:59, just under 11 minute-miles.
I still can't believe I did it. My toes and calves are a little sore, but otherwise I feel great. My family threw me a post-marathon party at Meg & Joel's house. They had chili, pickle wraps, fruit, veggies, a cereal buffet, mimosas, and lots more. Yum.
Thanks to everyone for your support. I totally needed it, and it worked! I love you all!
On that note, this is the end of my Blog. Maybe I'll start another one for my next challenge, once I figure out what that's going to be!
Meg dropped me off at the Metrodome at 7am Sunday morning. We listened to "Defying Gravity" from Wicked on the way. I was wearing all black: shorts, tank, visor. I stretched a bit, went to the bathroom, and walked in and around the dome. It was neat being inside the Metrodome - it was completely empty and the lights were off, but I could see the yard lines on the field and the press boxes, etc. Not sure why, but that kind of thing gives me goose bumps.
At about 7:45am, I moved down towards the start. I was in Wave 2. (Wave 1 consists of those who have completed a sub 3:45 marathon OR sub 1:45 half marathon, OR have a Boston qualifying time within the last two years. Wave 2 is everyone else.)
I felt like a sardine. Meg had written my name down my arm in eye black, and I got pushed into some dude who then had JEAN on his arm, too! (It was backwards, of course, but it made me laugh.) Someone sang the National Anthem, then the wheelchairs were off at 7:50. Wave 1 started at 8am, and Wave 2 about 5 minutes later. I crossed the starting gate at 8:07 on my watch.
I was not a bit nervous - just really excited to run! Running through Minneapolis was fun. At one point I was running up an incline, and there were thousands of heads bobbing in front of me. So cool.
In the first mile I saw Alan Page (former MN Viking, speaker at Meg's college graduation, and the first active NFL player to finish a marathon) playing the tuba. I yelled out his name and he winked at me from behind his huge brass instrument.
I saw my parents at mile 8.5. Mom was trying to take my picture and dad was holding up an "I'm Bloated" sign (inside joke) and a paper-mâché mermaid I made in 3rd(?) grade. Bizarre. I saw Ellen & Eric at mile 11, my friend Donna at mile 12, then my parents again just after that, holding up more signs. Meg and our friend Chelsie rode bikes along the way, and I saw them first around mile 13? Meg had her huge gold pom-pons flailing away. She gave me a shot block and my chapstick then. Good.
I started to hit the wall around miles 16-18. It was very sunny and warm at that point, and I was going a bit uphill. I saw Ellen & Eric again around mile 17, and El said something about how there were going to be people spread out along the rest of the way cheering for me. All I could think of was that if I walked, someone I knew would see me, and I couldn't have that, so I had to keep running.
Miles 20-23 were the worst. It was a pretty steep incline through that area, and I was tired. I didn't walk, though, and at one point I looked up and realized that I was actually the only one running. (Meg can attest to this - she noticed it too!) Thank goodness she and Chelsie were there for most of that part. They were riding on the path next to the street yelling at me to pick up my feet, use my arms, etc. Meg tried to sing, but her voice was so scratchy (she's been sick the last couple days) and not only was it making me laugh, but it sounded painful. I cut her off.
I walked through each water station to make sure the liquids actually made it down. I grabbed one blue Powerade and 2 waters. The second water I always poured over my head. (Except at mile 20 when the guy in front of me dumped his full cup on his head, but it missed and landed on my face. So I drank my second water instead.) I also ran through the sprinklers and hoses people had set up outside their houses. That really helped keep me cool.
At mile 22, I saw a guy who works at my hospital sitting on the curb stretching. He had been ahead of me from the start, and I yelled out "Hey! United Hospital!" (I didn't know his name) "Let's go!" He popped up and ran with me for the next mile. His name was Jason, and I lost him after the water station at mile 23. I was glad, too. I really wanted to finish it off on my own.
Summit Avenue was beautiful, and there were thousands of people on both sides yelling and cheering. Once I got to the top of Summit (mile 25), I knew I had made it. The final 1/2 mile stretch was awesome. I could see the finish line with the Capitol behind it. My family was on the right screaming and clapping and jumping up and down.
I crossed the finish line with an official time of 4 hours: 55 minutes: 12 seconds. My chip time= 4:48:03. My pace= 10:59, just under 11 minute-miles.
I still can't believe I did it. My toes and calves are a little sore, but otherwise I feel great. My family threw me a post-marathon party at Meg & Joel's house. They had chili, pickle wraps, fruit, veggies, a cereal buffet, mimosas, and lots more. Yum.
Thanks to everyone for your support. I totally needed it, and it worked! I love you all!
On that note, this is the end of my Blog. Maybe I'll start another one for my next challenge, once I figure out what that's going to be!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Last Run
I just got back from my last run before the marathon. Hopefully in exactly 2 days, I will be about halfway through. There were thunderstorms early this morning, so I waited until they subsided to run. It was still raining pretty hard, but it was 68 degrees, so I definitely wasn't cold.
I feel like I have trained in just about all the weather: below freezing temps, 100-degree heat, wind, rain, high humidity, cloudy, sunny, foggy, sticky, and many other weather-related adjectives ending in y. It's a good thing too, because the forecast for Sunday changes almost hourly. The latest seems to be a high of 74 with scattered thunderstorms. No info on how windy it'll be.
I received my first pre-marathon gift from Meg the other night. It's a Marathon Mix CD with over 20 run-related songs on it. It has everything from "Runaround Sue" by Dion and Johnny Preston's "Running Bear" to Bon Jovi's "Runaway" and "The Runaround" by Taylor Hicks. Thanks also to Ellen, Donna, Dad, and anyone else who contributed songs/ideas. I love it!
I plan on going to the St. Paul RiverCentre this afternoon to pick up my race packet and check out the health and fitness expo. I'm thinking the reality of this whole thing will hit me when I actually have my race number in my hand. EEK!
Thanks to everyone who called, texted, wrote or emailed to wish me luck on Sunday. It's great to have so much support. Now all I have to do is run 26.2 miles, then we can party at Meg & Joel's! Let me know if you need directions.
I feel like I have trained in just about all the weather: below freezing temps, 100-degree heat, wind, rain, high humidity, cloudy, sunny, foggy, sticky, and many other weather-related adjectives ending in y. It's a good thing too, because the forecast for Sunday changes almost hourly. The latest seems to be a high of 74 with scattered thunderstorms. No info on how windy it'll be.
I received my first pre-marathon gift from Meg the other night. It's a Marathon Mix CD with over 20 run-related songs on it. It has everything from "Runaround Sue" by Dion and Johnny Preston's "Running Bear" to Bon Jovi's "Runaway" and "The Runaround" by Taylor Hicks. Thanks also to Ellen, Donna, Dad, and anyone else who contributed songs/ideas. I love it!
I plan on going to the St. Paul RiverCentre this afternoon to pick up my race packet and check out the health and fitness expo. I'm thinking the reality of this whole thing will hit me when I actually have my race number in my hand. EEK!
Thanks to everyone who called, texted, wrote or emailed to wish me luck on Sunday. It's great to have so much support. Now all I have to do is run 26.2 miles, then we can party at Meg & Joel's! Let me know if you need directions.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Six Days To Go!
So the marathon is now less than a week away, and I have been very very nervous. But I had a great 8-mile run today after work, and I'm pretty sure I'm ready for this puppy. The main thing I'm worried about now is the weather. I know it's still a ways away (is that even a real phrase?), but the forecast shows a high of 50 degrees and 40% chance of showers. Cold and wet. I guess it could be worse, right?
Now as I look back on my blog, I see that it was worse - when I did the Reindeer Run in December, it was 10 degrees with 15mph winds. So I definitely can't complain now.
I guess that's it for now. Happy Monday, everyone!
Now as I look back on my blog, I see that it was worse - when I did the Reindeer Run in December, it was 10 degrees with 15mph winds. So I definitely can't complain now.
I guess that's it for now. Happy Monday, everyone!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Magic Number = 10
Meg came along for my 12-miler last night. We left her house just after Joel got home from work and headed to Lake Phalen and the Gateway Trail. We noticed some dark clouds to the west, but Fox 9's Keith Marler said only 30% chance of rain, which meant to me that it probably wouldn't rain. But about 9 miles in, that 30% turned into 100%. And then came some spectacular lightning and thunder. Which, I guess, wouldn't have been terribly frightening, except we were on this path in the middle of the woods with no place to hide. We went another 2 miles (which I'm pretty sure I sprinted), and found shelter under an overpass. We called Joel, who packed up the 2 munchkins in their feety pajamas, and drove over to Lake Phalen to save us. We were both very wet and very cold.
So I never actually made 12 miles, but I didn't get hit by lightning either.
When I got back to my house, I found I had stepped in poop, my bike was broken, and my garage door wouldn't close. *sigh*
So I never actually made 12 miles, but I didn't get hit by lightning either.
When I got back to my house, I found I had stepped in poop, my bike was broken, and my garage door wouldn't close. *sigh*
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Shiver me timbers!
Yesterday was one of my favorite holidays: International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
My co-workers think I'm insane for even knowing this holiday exists, let alone actually using pirate jargon all day. I say, it's their loss. Savvy?
Today was my first run since the 21-miler Saturday. After that long run, my joints were pretty achy. No new blisters, though, and no additional missing toenails. I went 5 miles this morning. It was cloudy, breezy, and kind of cool. I've been adding some sprints to these shorter runs, which makes me extra tired, but I finish faster!
Meg and I went to the Twins game last night with Chelsie (a girl we play softball with), and some of her friends. The Twins won, which was nice. I think they've lost the last 3 or 4 games I've attended.
I've been in a bit of a funk the last few days. I'm hoping my day off today will help me break out of it. Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!
My co-workers think I'm insane for even knowing this holiday exists, let alone actually using pirate jargon all day. I say, it's their loss. Savvy?
Today was my first run since the 21-miler Saturday. After that long run, my joints were pretty achy. No new blisters, though, and no additional missing toenails. I went 5 miles this morning. It was cloudy, breezy, and kind of cool. I've been adding some sprints to these shorter runs, which makes me extra tired, but I finish faster!
Meg and I went to the Twins game last night with Chelsie (a girl we play softball with), and some of her friends. The Twins won, which was nice. I think they've lost the last 3 or 4 games I've attended.
I've been in a bit of a funk the last few days. I'm hoping my day off today will help me break out of it. Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!
Monday, September 17, 2007
The Long Run
Per Hal's Training Module, I was supposed to run 20 miles last Saturday. Meg had a dance audition to be at in the morning, so she wasn't going to be able to go with me. Fortunately, mom and dad drove up from IL to help me out.
The original plan was for the two of them to bike with me the whole way together, but one of the bikes malfunctioned, so plans changed a bit. Mom and I headed out from Meg's house at 9am and went 11 miles. We met dad just over the half-way mark in North St. Paul. He and mom traded places at that point, so mom drove home, and dad biked the rest of the way with me. Meg had given them very specific instructions about when to offer me water, how I needed to be talked or sang (sung?) to, that I can only answer yes/no questions, etc.
The entire run went swimmingly. It was a cool morning, with bright blue skies. Mom told me lots of stories, and dad sang lots of 50's Rock 'n Roll. It was a great mix. And neither one fell of their bikes, thank goodness.
I tried these energy chews along the way. They're called Shot Bloks, and they look and taste a whole lot like fruit snacks. Each block has about the same amount of caffeine as a 20-oz bottle of Coke. I'm not sure what they're actually supposed to do for me, but I definitely didn't fall asleep during the run.
I actually ended up running 21 miles, and I was done in 3 hours and 30 minutes. I was pretty excited to have run that far, but it is really hard to fathom that I have to run 5.2 more miles in less than 3 weeks. Ugh.
The original plan was for the two of them to bike with me the whole way together, but one of the bikes malfunctioned, so plans changed a bit. Mom and I headed out from Meg's house at 9am and went 11 miles. We met dad just over the half-way mark in North St. Paul. He and mom traded places at that point, so mom drove home, and dad biked the rest of the way with me. Meg had given them very specific instructions about when to offer me water, how I needed to be talked or sang (sung?) to, that I can only answer yes/no questions, etc.
The entire run went swimmingly. It was a cool morning, with bright blue skies. Mom told me lots of stories, and dad sang lots of 50's Rock 'n Roll. It was a great mix. And neither one fell of their bikes, thank goodness.
I tried these energy chews along the way. They're called Shot Bloks, and they look and taste a whole lot like fruit snacks. Each block has about the same amount of caffeine as a 20-oz bottle of Coke. I'm not sure what they're actually supposed to do for me, but I definitely didn't fall asleep during the run.
I actually ended up running 21 miles, and I was done in 3 hours and 30 minutes. I was pretty excited to have run that far, but it is really hard to fathom that I have to run 5.2 more miles in less than 3 weeks. Ugh.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Less than a month until the Big Day, and I go on vacation. That is, if you call playing 8 softball games in 2 days in the sweltering Florida sun a vacation.
My summer softball team flew down to Panama City, FL to play in the North American Championships. We ended up taking second place, losing 5-2 to a Missouri team in the championship game. It was a long, extended weekend that got even longer when our plane broke, and we couldn't get out of FL.
I attempted to run on the beach while I was down there, but the soft sand and high tides made it pretty difficult.
Anyway, I'm back in MN now, enjoying the cool weather and hard pavement.
My summer softball team flew down to Panama City, FL to play in the North American Championships. We ended up taking second place, losing 5-2 to a Missouri team in the championship game. It was a long, extended weekend that got even longer when our plane broke, and we couldn't get out of FL.
I attempted to run on the beach while I was down there, but the soft sand and high tides made it pretty difficult.
Anyway, I'm back in MN now, enjoying the cool weather and hard pavement.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Cricket Gigolos and their Cruel Despotic Queen
The road is looonng
With many a winding turn...
She ain't heavy, she's my sister...
Hey there! This is Meg blogging for Jean today. Because Jean ran 18 miles yesterday in 95-degree heat and because she watched my kids for me for 1.5 hours today so I could get some grocery shopping done -- Jean, this blog's for you.
She took off from the start of the Gateway Trail yesterday (just north of downtown St Paul), a little before noon. The weather forecast apparently told her it was only going to be 81 degrees, but I was there, friends, and I assure you it was much closer to the mid-90s, at least by the time we finished. But I am getting ahead of myself.
Jean started solo, because the fam and I were coming back from The Lake and Joel had to take off for his Fantasy Foosball draft by 3:30, so we had limited time to put this 18-mile monster to bed. So I drove up to Hwy 36 and 694, where I parked my car on Hadley, hopped on my (Jean's) bike, and started pedaling toward her (I hoped) at about 1:15. Here is what I packed to make Jean's run less miserable:
3 bottles of water
1 chapstick (cherry)
4 pieces of Trident Original
We met up near downtown North St Paul and I hung a U-ey to continue on with her back to my parking spot. Jean immediately slammed half a bottle of water (she'd already gone about 8 miles) and we continued back up to Hadley before turning back around and doing the second 9 miles. It was really quite lovely in the shade, but the sun was truly brutal. The other detractor from Jean's enjoyment (if you can call it that) of the run were the super-bizarre crickets that flung themselves into her path like hara-kiri-committing goddess-worshippers. These things had giant wings (I insisted they were butterflies, for a while) and they would jump at Jean's shins and then toss themselves about, banging into her from all angles and making an icky buzzing noise.
Anyway, she made it 18 miles!! Isn't that stinkin' amazing. I am so very proud of her dedicating herself to this marathon, even while working full-time, playing in 2 or 3 softball leagues, 2 volleyball leagues, a kickball league, and juggling the attentions of Thursday, her new man-friend. Has she told you about her new man-friend? He's a cuuuuutie...
Anybody who wants to come help me cheer Jean on during the marathon on Sun., Oct 7, we are planning to have a pre-race meeting at my house to plot the course and split up our cheering sections. Following the marathon, there will be a celebratory champagne brunch at my house. You should come!
With many a winding turn...
She ain't heavy, she's my sister...
Hey there! This is Meg blogging for Jean today. Because Jean ran 18 miles yesterday in 95-degree heat and because she watched my kids for me for 1.5 hours today so I could get some grocery shopping done -- Jean, this blog's for you.
She took off from the start of the Gateway Trail yesterday (just north of downtown St Paul), a little before noon. The weather forecast apparently told her it was only going to be 81 degrees, but I was there, friends, and I assure you it was much closer to the mid-90s, at least by the time we finished. But I am getting ahead of myself.
Jean started solo, because the fam and I were coming back from The Lake and Joel had to take off for his Fantasy Foosball draft by 3:30, so we had limited time to put this 18-mile monster to bed. So I drove up to Hwy 36 and 694, where I parked my car on Hadley, hopped on my (Jean's) bike, and started pedaling toward her (I hoped) at about 1:15. Here is what I packed to make Jean's run less miserable:
3 bottles of water
1 chapstick (cherry)
4 pieces of Trident Original
We met up near downtown North St Paul and I hung a U-ey to continue on with her back to my parking spot. Jean immediately slammed half a bottle of water (she'd already gone about 8 miles) and we continued back up to Hadley before turning back around and doing the second 9 miles. It was really quite lovely in the shade, but the sun was truly brutal. The other detractor from Jean's enjoyment (if you can call it that) of the run were the super-bizarre crickets that flung themselves into her path like hara-kiri-committing goddess-worshippers. These things had giant wings (I insisted they were butterflies, for a while) and they would jump at Jean's shins and then toss themselves about, banging into her from all angles and making an icky buzzing noise.
Anyway, she made it 18 miles!! Isn't that stinkin' amazing. I am so very proud of her dedicating herself to this marathon, even while working full-time, playing in 2 or 3 softball leagues, 2 volleyball leagues, a kickball league, and juggling the attentions of Thursday, her new man-friend. Has she told you about her new man-friend? He's a cuuuuutie...
Anybody who wants to come help me cheer Jean on during the marathon on Sun., Oct 7, we are planning to have a pre-race meeting at my house to plot the course and split up our cheering sections. Following the marathon, there will be a celebratory champagne brunch at my house. You should come!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Garbage Day
I ran 4 miles today after work and kickball. It took only 35 minutes (8.75 minute miles), and I felt like I was flying the whole way. I really just wanted it to be over and done with.
I have been sweating so much lately, and after I cool down, there are beautiful salt crystals all over me. I wonder if there is a way to salvage and sell them. Since I'm pretty sure I didn't win the 245 million Powerball, I've got to think of other ways to make my million. This could be it!
I have been sweating so much lately, and after I cool down, there are beautiful salt crystals all over me. I wonder if there is a way to salvage and sell them. Since I'm pretty sure I didn't win the 245 million Powerball, I've got to think of other ways to make my million. This could be it!
Monday, August 20, 2007
You run 16 miles, and whaddya get? / A couple sore ankles and a shirt full of sweat.
Yup, 16 miles. This run was better than the 15-miler for a couple of reasons. First of all, it was only 69 degrees and cloudy. Secondly, Meg biked alongside the whole way, handing me water and chapstick and singing me showtunes.
I was struggling the last 3 miles, so Meg went into her Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat routine. She went from the top all the way through Potiphar (not quite to Act 2), singing all the lyrics (including the harmonies), and doing all the voices.
There were only 2 minor incidents along the way. 1) A dog jumped out of the woods on the Gateway Trail and barked, freaking me out. 2) Meg tried to clap or snap while singing Bye Bye Blackbird, lost control of the bike, and nearly crashed. Disaster was narrowly averted, and we both agreed that just singing would have to be enough.
The whole thing took me 2 hours and 40 minutes, which is right on a 10-minute mile pace. Good enough for me!
I was struggling the last 3 miles, so Meg went into her Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat routine. She went from the top all the way through Potiphar (not quite to Act 2), singing all the lyrics (including the harmonies), and doing all the voices.
There were only 2 minor incidents along the way. 1) A dog jumped out of the woods on the Gateway Trail and barked, freaking me out. 2) Meg tried to clap or snap while singing Bye Bye Blackbird, lost control of the bike, and nearly crashed. Disaster was narrowly averted, and we both agreed that just singing would have to be enough.
The whole thing took me 2 hours and 40 minutes, which is right on a 10-minute mile pace. Good enough for me!
Friday, August 17, 2007
New running outfit!
Ellen sent me a tank top from her work, which I wore on my run today. It's bright yellow, so people can see me, and it's a really soft mesh material. Quite comfortable. Thanks, E$!
I also bought a pair of actual running shorts (on Ellen's recommendation). They have built-in underwear, which made me nervous at first, but they're nice because they don't get all bunchy. There's nothin' worse than bunchy undies.
This morning I drove to downtown St. Paul, parked in a free lot by Hwy 52, and ran south along Shepard Road to 35E and back.
Total mileage = 8 (right on schedule)
Total time = 1hr 15min (good)
Minutes per mile = 9.4 (good)
Temp = 68 degrees (perfect!)
Humidity = 39% (perfect!)
Dew Point = 44 degrees (perfect!)
I also bought a pair of actual running shorts (on Ellen's recommendation). They have built-in underwear, which made me nervous at first, but they're nice because they don't get all bunchy. There's nothin' worse than bunchy undies.
This morning I drove to downtown St. Paul, parked in a free lot by Hwy 52, and ran south along Shepard Road to 35E and back.
Total mileage = 8 (right on schedule)
Total time = 1hr 15min (good)
Minutes per mile = 9.4 (good)
Temp = 68 degrees (perfect!)
Humidity = 39% (perfect!)
Dew Point = 44 degrees (perfect!)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Quagmires and the Gigity Gigity Goo
Not only is today the start of my 4-day weekend, but the high temp is only 77 degrees (dew point 50 degrees, humidity 41% - perfect!), so I didn't have to wake up at the crack of dawn to run! I ran over 4.5 miles in about 40 minutes today, so I'm just under 9-minute miles. It seems like on my shorter runs (between 4-7 miles), I can keep up that pace. But anything longer than 7 miles, I drop back into 10-minute miles. My feet were kind of sore after the 15 miler on Monday, but they felt fine today. Good.
Last night were the first games of kickball for me. Yes, you heard me: kickball. (See title of post for team name, but do not ask me to explain.) I'm pretty sure the last time I played was in junior high, if not before. It was bizarre, but fun, and everyone on our team is really nice. There aren't umpires, and there aren't really any rules, either. I'm definitely more comfortable in a structured environment, but I'm adapting.
Tonight is the first night of fall softball - yay!
And now it's time for me to eat some lunch.
Last night were the first games of kickball for me. Yes, you heard me: kickball. (See title of post for team name, but do not ask me to explain.) I'm pretty sure the last time I played was in junior high, if not before. It was bizarre, but fun, and everyone on our team is really nice. There aren't umpires, and there aren't really any rules, either. I'm definitely more comfortable in a structured environment, but I'm adapting.
Tonight is the first night of fall softball - yay!
And now it's time for me to eat some lunch.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Longest. Run. Ever.
Well, for me, that is!
I drove over to Meg's house this morning. She packed up the kids into her bike stroller thingy, and we headed out, she biking, me running. We left from their house and headed to Lake Phalen. From there, we found the Gateway Trail with moderate difficulty. (I recently heard about this trail, and it's great! The total length is 18.3 miles, and it starts somewhere in St. Paul, and ends just north of Stillwater.) Meg rode the first hour with me, but then the kids started to melt, so they headed back home. I continued on for another 15 minutes or so, then turned around and retraced my steps. I ran just over 15 miles in 2.5 hours. (If you want a cool website, go to You can plot running/biking routes, and it calculates mileage, etc.) The last 3 miles were killer! I got really thirsty, and it was getting pretty warm out, too. Nothing hurt, at least!
Ellen ran in the Chicago Distance Classic 1/2 Marathon Saturday morning. She finished in 1 hr 51 minutes (8.5 minute miles) and in her women's division (ages 25-29), she finished 129 out of 1175. She amazes me.
I'll try to add a picture later, but I'm going to post this now before my power goes out. There are some crazy storms tonight!!
I drove over to Meg's house this morning. She packed up the kids into her bike stroller thingy, and we headed out, she biking, me running. We left from their house and headed to Lake Phalen. From there, we found the Gateway Trail with moderate difficulty. (I recently heard about this trail, and it's great! The total length is 18.3 miles, and it starts somewhere in St. Paul, and ends just north of Stillwater.) Meg rode the first hour with me, but then the kids started to melt, so they headed back home. I continued on for another 15 minutes or so, then turned around and retraced my steps. I ran just over 15 miles in 2.5 hours. (If you want a cool website, go to You can plot running/biking routes, and it calculates mileage, etc.) The last 3 miles were killer! I got really thirsty, and it was getting pretty warm out, too. Nothing hurt, at least!
Ellen ran in the Chicago Distance Classic 1/2 Marathon Saturday morning. She finished in 1 hr 51 minutes (8.5 minute miles) and in her women's division (ages 25-29), she finished 129 out of 1175. She amazes me.
I'll try to add a picture later, but I'm going to post this now before my power goes out. There are some crazy storms tonight!!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
What are the chances?
Today is supposed to be the day for a long run, however I have to push it off until Monday because I work. Instead, I thought I would ride my new bike to work! Last night I got totally set: I made sure I could take the front tire off to lock it up, I made my lunch, I got a pair of scrubs together so I could just walk out the door (a half hour earlier).
Unfortunately (ok, maybe fortunately), my plans were foiled! I woke up this morning to a thunderstorm! I seriously thought it was a dream. Since when does it rain around here? I checked, and it looks like rain all day.
I'll guess I'll try again tomorrow.
Unfortunately (ok, maybe fortunately), my plans were foiled! I woke up this morning to a thunderstorm! I seriously thought it was a dream. Since when does it rain around here? I checked, and it looks like rain all day.
I'll guess I'll try again tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I went to my 10 year high school reunion last weekend. It was actually pretty fun and not too painful! Everyone seemed to look the same as I remembered, although I do have a really bad memory, so who knows?
I ran 10 miles Saturday morning. Mom rode her bike next to me, which was great and very helpful. She told me stories the whole time, and supplied me with lots of water. Good stuff.
Meg and I went to see the movie Once on Sunday night at the Lagoon in Uptown. It is a wonderful movie/musical even though there's barely a storyline and the main characters are unnamed. Everyone in the theater stayed until the credits were completely over, and no one said a word until we were outside. Bizarre experience.
I ran 4 miles Monday, 3 miles Tuesday, and 7 miles today. So far, so good. I'm supposed to run 15 miles Saturday, but I work 7am-7pm, so I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do about that.
I bought gas for $2.69/gallon today. I'm hoping to bike to work this weekend for the first time. I'm nervous.
I ran 10 miles Saturday morning. Mom rode her bike next to me, which was great and very helpful. She told me stories the whole time, and supplied me with lots of water. Good stuff.
Meg and I went to see the movie Once on Sunday night at the Lagoon in Uptown. It is a wonderful movie/musical even though there's barely a storyline and the main characters are unnamed. Everyone in the theater stayed until the credits were completely over, and no one said a word until we were outside. Bizarre experience.
I ran 4 miles Monday, 3 miles Tuesday, and 7 miles today. So far, so good. I'm supposed to run 15 miles Saturday, but I work 7am-7pm, so I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do about that.
I bought gas for $2.69/gallon today. I'm hoping to bike to work this weekend for the first time. I'm nervous.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Where has all the blogging gone?
Ok, I know I always say I'm busy, but June and July were just out of control. I was playing volleyball Tuesday nights, softball Wed, Thurs, Fri, working full time at the hospital, and playing in softball tournaments the weekends I wasn't working. On top of all that, I was trying to run everyday and have a social life. Something had to give, and unfortunately it was my marathon training.
However, I am back on track now! I am determined to stick to my training schedule. I ran 3 miles today around my neighborhood. It was hot, but there was a bit of a breeze, which helped.
I am now off to shop for a bike.
However, I am back on track now! I am determined to stick to my training schedule. I ran 3 miles today around my neighborhood. It was hot, but there was a bit of a breeze, which helped.
I am now off to shop for a bike.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Whoever said Minnesota has 2 seasons: winter and construction, sure wasn't kidding. I've been dodging city trucks, trying to avoid the gravel and fresh tar on the roads, and changing my routes because of closed roads. I do feel bad for those construction workers when it's so hot out. It makes me glad I work in an air-conditioned building.
Speaking of the heat, I was at the doctor a few weeks ago, and we were talking about training for the Twin Cities Marathon (she's running it too). She said the only thing she didn't like about it was that you have to train in the summer. I didn't really think it was going to be that big of a deal, but it has turned out to be really hard to run when it's so hot and muggy and humid out. My runs earlier in the week were brutal, and now that the temp has dropped and the dew points have fallen, I've been too busy to run.
On a different note, at work yesterday, a urinal fell on my head, and my patient's leg fell out of the closet and whacked me in the forehead. The urinal was clean, thank goodness, but who puts their leg on the upper shelf of a closet? Don't you think it belongs on the floor - where everyone else's legs are?
Speaking of the heat, I was at the doctor a few weeks ago, and we were talking about training for the Twin Cities Marathon (she's running it too). She said the only thing she didn't like about it was that you have to train in the summer. I didn't really think it was going to be that big of a deal, but it has turned out to be really hard to run when it's so hot and muggy and humid out. My runs earlier in the week were brutal, and now that the temp has dropped and the dew points have fallen, I've been too busy to run.
On a different note, at work yesterday, a urinal fell on my head, and my patient's leg fell out of the closet and whacked me in the forehead. The urinal was clean, thank goodness, but who puts their leg on the upper shelf of a closet? Don't you think it belongs on the floor - where everyone else's legs are?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Adios, Spring!
Today was my first run after the half marathon, and it was hot! The temp was only about mid-80's, but the sun was so bright. I probably should have run earlier in the morning, but I slept in a bit and didn't leave until 11:45am. I went for about 40 minutes, and I could feel my heart pounding in my head by the end.
I have the day off work today, so I'm getting laundry done and ripping more wallpaper off my kitchen walls. So fun.
I can't believe summer officially starts tomorrow. I feel like it's been summer for awhile!
I have the day off work today, so I'm getting laundry done and ripping more wallpaper off my kitchen walls. So fun.
I can't believe summer officially starts tomorrow. I feel like it's been summer for awhile!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
New Shoes!
I bought a new pair of running shoes last week, but I didn't want to try to break them in until after my "mini marathon." I stepped out of my New Balance comfort zone and bought a pair of Asics on the recommendation of the nice Indian man working in the shoe section at Sports Authority. I didn't feel ready to run yet, so I went for an hour walk this afternoon. The shoes feel great, and I think I'll start running again tomorrow.
Along the way, I checked out my secret raspberry bush, which has not yet produced any fruits for me. I'm seeing some buds, though, and I hope it won't be too long now.
Along the way, I checked out my secret raspberry bush, which has not yet produced any fruits for me. I'm seeing some buds, though, and I hope it won't be too long now.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon
Rode to Duluth Friday afternoon with Donna (fellow runner), Deena (trainer), and Tim (support). Walked through the crowded convention center to pick up Donna's race packet (mine was mailed to me earlier in the week) and check out the health and fitness expo. Got lots of free samples, including sweat bands, water bottles, turkey in a bag, and energy bars. Saw Dick Beardsley (course record holder of Grandma's Marathon) being interviewed.
Checked into the Sheraton Hotel. (*side note: The day I found out we made in into the 1/2, I looked for hotel rooms, and the entire city was booked. Donna, with her unbelievable connections, was able to get us a room in the newly-opened Sheraton Hotel, located smack in downtown Duluth, thereby saving us from sleeping outside in a tent.
Took a hotel shuttle (driven by the friendly Scott, huge BB King fan) back to the convention center for a spaghetti dinner. Spent a few hours there eating, talking, etc. Met up with Meg and Joel (additional support). Walked along Lake Superior - lovely red sky in the evening.
Back at the hotel, set 8 alarms for the morning, just to be safe. (We each had a cell phone, plus a wake-up call from the front desk and Tim figured out how to set the TV.) Woke up at 4am, after getting a surprisingly decent couple hours of sleep. Showered, ate cereal, walked to Fitgers with Donna to catch the bus at 5am. Rode to the start, a wooded area along Lake Superior. Stretched, dropped off our sweat bags. At 6:30am, someone sang the National Anthem, the Blue Angels did a fly-by, and the run commenced!
Back at the hotel, set 8 alarms for the morning, just to be safe. (We each had a cell phone, plus a wake-up call from the front desk and Tim figured out how to set the TV.) Woke up at 4am, after getting a surprisingly decent couple hours of sleep. Showered, ate cereal, walked to Fitgers with Donna to catch the bus at 5am. Rode to the start, a wooded area along Lake Superior. Stretched, dropped off our sweat bags. At 6:30am, someone sang the National Anthem, the Blue Angels did a fly-by, and the run commenced!
We plugged along in the humid morning air, sun at our backs, with a gorgeous view of Lake Superior on our left. Saw Meg at the 8-mile mark (she rode her bike to cheer us on in the middle). It was hard to miss the enormous yellow pom-pons and the high-kicks!
Along the way we heard bagpipes, tubas, an accordion, and a whole lotta cow bell! Hundreds of people clapping and cheering. So cool. As we ran past our hotel, we saw Meg, Joel, Deena, and Tim yelling, holding up signs, etc. I finished with a chip time of 2 hours, 12 minutes, 25 seconds, a pace of 10:24. It felt great. We got medallions and t-shirts. Here are some photos..
Donna & Jean
Donna & Jean
Joel, Jean, Meg
Deena, Donna, Tim
The Whole Gang!
Overall, it was a fantastic weekend. Thanks to everyone for wishing me luck and giving me "power." I felt every bit of it! Special props to Donna for agreeing to run this thing with me, and to Meg, Joel, Deena, and Tim for their crazy support. You guys are the best!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Duluth or Bust!
I'm leaving for Duluth this morning, and Grandma's Half Marathon starts in 24 hours. (It's actually called the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon. Whatever.) Yesterday I received so many calls and emails wishing me good luck, making me very, very nervous. I think I'm ready running-wise, but I just don't want to forget anything. Like my shoes.
I better pack now.
I better pack now.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Les Miserables
Translation: My run today was MISERABLE!
It was hot and my legs felt like tree trunks. My main issue was my breathing, though. About 15 minutes into the run, I noticed that I was taking faster breaths then usual. I'm sure it had something to do with the heat/humidity/dew points, but once I noticed it, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I went for 35 minutes, then I was soooo done.
The Tony Awards are on now. There is something so awesome about live theater. I got choked up just watching the excerpts from A Chorus Line and Mary Poppins. I think I'm due to see another show soon. This new musical Spring Awakening is winning a lot of awards, but I don't know...
I assisted with a tap-water enema today at work. The patient was quadriplegic, nearly 300 lbs, and full of stool. Maybe you've heard about my gift for disimpaction. The rumors are true. Before I knew it, there was an explosion, and I was standing in a pool of stool. And the only thing worse than being swept up in a poop tornado is having a bad case of the giggles in a poop tornado. It was quite the interesting way to end a long weekend of work, and it will ensure I do a load of laundry tonight.
It was hot and my legs felt like tree trunks. My main issue was my breathing, though. About 15 minutes into the run, I noticed that I was taking faster breaths then usual. I'm sure it had something to do with the heat/humidity/dew points, but once I noticed it, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I went for 35 minutes, then I was soooo done.
The Tony Awards are on now. There is something so awesome about live theater. I got choked up just watching the excerpts from A Chorus Line and Mary Poppins. I think I'm due to see another show soon. This new musical Spring Awakening is winning a lot of awards, but I don't know...
I assisted with a tap-water enema today at work. The patient was quadriplegic, nearly 300 lbs, and full of stool. Maybe you've heard about my gift for disimpaction. The rumors are true. Before I knew it, there was an explosion, and I was standing in a pool of stool. And the only thing worse than being swept up in a poop tornado is having a bad case of the giggles in a poop tornado. It was quite the interesting way to end a long weekend of work, and it will ensure I do a load of laundry tonight.
Friday, June 8, 2007
I have had a bunch of lovely runs this week!
Wednesday after work I ran with my friend Donna who will be doing the 1/2 marathon with me. We ran along the Mississippi in St. Paul for 5.75 miles. It was the first time we ran together, but we seem to have a similar pace, which is great.
Thursday Meg and I ran around Lake Calhoun before our softball game. It was a little breezy,(even though Meg claims it was the windiest she had ever seen... ever,) but a decent run nonetheless.
This morning I ran 9.5 miles by myself in my neighborhood. The first 3 were the hardest, and I don't really remember the rest. I kind of zone out after awhile. It's possible that this was the best run I've ever had. Temp was perfect, a little breeze, not too many cars in my way, and I didn't hurt at all (thanks to the ibuprofen I took before I left)!
Days left until Grandma's 1/2 marathon = 8.
Time now to get my hair cut and go shopping!
Wednesday after work I ran with my friend Donna who will be doing the 1/2 marathon with me. We ran along the Mississippi in St. Paul for 5.75 miles. It was the first time we ran together, but we seem to have a similar pace, which is great.
Thursday Meg and I ran around Lake Calhoun before our softball game. It was a little breezy,(even though Meg claims it was the windiest she had ever seen... ever,) but a decent run nonetheless.
This morning I ran 9.5 miles by myself in my neighborhood. The first 3 were the hardest, and I don't really remember the rest. I kind of zone out after awhile. It's possible that this was the best run I've ever had. Temp was perfect, a little breeze, not too many cars in my way, and I didn't hurt at all (thanks to the ibuprofen I took before I left)!
Days left until Grandma's 1/2 marathon = 8.
Time now to get my hair cut and go shopping!
Monday, June 4, 2007
I Can't Sleep
I hate when I can't sleep. It's so annoying. I turned on the Twins game and they just lost to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 16-3. Even more annoying. I tried to read a little, but it wasn't doing anything for me.
It's such a perfect night for sleeping, too, all breezy and cool and whatnot.
I'm not hungry, I'm not in pain. Wait a minute, maybe I am hungry. I have no-bake cookies in the fridge!
Ok, that didn't do it.
Maybe Conan O'Brien is on.
It's such a perfect night for sleeping, too, all breezy and cool and whatnot.
I'm not hungry, I'm not in pain. Wait a minute, maybe I am hungry. I have no-bake cookies in the fridge!
Ok, that didn't do it.
Maybe Conan O'Brien is on.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Saturday Stuff
I woke up around 7:30 this morning to get in a run before my softball tournament. It was a gorgeous morning: mid-60's, calm, bright blue skies. I think the rest of my neighborhood slept in, because I didn't cross paths with anyone! I ran about 5 miles in about 50 minutes. I wish I could remember that if the temperature is 60 or above, a tank top is required. It's amazing the difference a couple extra inches of fabric makes!
My house key flew out of my sports bra in the beginning of my run today. (I've been storing it there lately instead of tied to my shoe.) I'm glad I heard it clink on the ground, or else I'd be trying to crawl in through my second-story window! I stuck it under my watch for the rest of the run, but I might have to go back to the shoe. I don't know.
I play in a softball tourney today and tomorrow in Eden Prairie. I sure hope the rain holds off!
My house key flew out of my sports bra in the beginning of my run today. (I've been storing it there lately instead of tied to my shoe.) I'm glad I heard it clink on the ground, or else I'd be trying to crawl in through my second-story window! I stuck it under my watch for the rest of the run, but I might have to go back to the shoe. I don't know.
I play in a softball tourney today and tomorrow in Eden Prairie. I sure hope the rain holds off!
Monday, May 28, 2007
10 Mile Run? Done. And done.
Meg, Ellen and I completed the Soldier Field 10-mile run on Saturday! Ellen flew ahead and finished in about 1 hr and 20 minutes, while it took Meg and I about 1 hr 40 min. It felt so good to finish! The weather was perfect, and it was so fun to run through the tunnel onto the field!
I feel like I should be able to run the additional 3 miles for the 1/2 marathon in Duluth, which is only 19 days away.
Click on the link to Meg's blog to see pictures!
Happy Memorial Day!
I feel like I should be able to run the additional 3 miles for the 1/2 marathon in Duluth, which is only 19 days away.
Click on the link to Meg's blog to see pictures!
Happy Memorial Day!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Nine is a rhyme...
...and it goes something like this:
I went for a run
with my big sister Meg.
We ran for 9 miles,
despite a cramp in my leg.
The night was just lovely
with a warm gentle breeze,
and we thriced Lake Phalen
with relative ease.
I came home all sweaty,
logged into the 'net,
and registered for the Twin Cities Marathon because I'm insane and I can't believe that running 9 miles all of a sudden makes me think I'm ready to run an actual marathon, even though I do have 4 months to train and it is the purpose of this blog, and plus I had to register now because I didn't want to wait and then not be able to get in, but I'm still freakin' out!!!!
Ok, so nine is maybe more of a run-on sentence than a rhyme, but you get the gist.
I went for a run
with my big sister Meg.
We ran for 9 miles,
despite a cramp in my leg.
The night was just lovely
with a warm gentle breeze,
and we thriced Lake Phalen
with relative ease.
I came home all sweaty,
logged into the 'net,
and registered for the Twin Cities Marathon because I'm insane and I can't believe that running 9 miles all of a sudden makes me think I'm ready to run an actual marathon, even though I do have 4 months to train and it is the purpose of this blog, and plus I had to register now because I didn't want to wait and then not be able to get in, but I'm still freakin' out!!!!
Ok, so nine is maybe more of a run-on sentence than a rhyme, but you get the gist.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I was running...
Yesterday was very hot and windy. It was 82 degrees when I ran at 9am. I went for an hour and 20 minutes. I cut a few corners in the beginning, and added on a little at the end, so I'm not sure how far I actually went. Meg dropped off her kids when I got back so she could run. The wind was really starting to pick up by that time, and she was blown all around West St. Paul. Poor thing. She was just miserable.
I ran 4 miles today. It was just as windy, but the temp was 58 degrees. I'm baffled at this weather. I can't figure it out.
Only 11 days until the Soldier Field 10-mile, and 32 days until the 1/2 marathon.
I ran 4 miles today. It was just as windy, but the temp was 58 degrees. I'm baffled at this weather. I can't figure it out.
Only 11 days until the Soldier Field 10-mile, and 32 days until the 1/2 marathon.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Excellian is the name of the computer system our hospital is now using. We are finally through using paper and pens. Everything is now electronic, which is fabulous! We've been training for months, and went "live" May 1st. I put in a bunch of extra hours, so I took a few days off from running.
These past couple of weeks have been packed. Typically, I've been working from 7-3:30, driving right to coach a softball game or practice until about 6, then driving to play in my own softball or volleyball games, and getting home sometime after 9pm. I'm not complaining, though. I would much rather be super busy than have nothing to do.
I finally ran on Wednesday, just for a half an hour. Yesterday I ran/walked for an hour and a half. It's pouring rain at the moment, and the JV game I was going to coach has been cancelled. I'm supposed to play in 2 games tonight, and I'm hoping it's too wet to play. I am really looking forward to a weekend off!!
These past couple of weeks have been packed. Typically, I've been working from 7-3:30, driving right to coach a softball game or practice until about 6, then driving to play in my own softball or volleyball games, and getting home sometime after 9pm. I'm not complaining, though. I would much rather be super busy than have nothing to do.
I finally ran on Wednesday, just for a half an hour. Yesterday I ran/walked for an hour and a half. It's pouring rain at the moment, and the JV game I was going to coach has been cancelled. I'm supposed to play in 2 games tonight, and I'm hoping it's too wet to play. I am really looking forward to a weekend off!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Night Run
I ran late tonight, after a disappointing loss to Tartan HS. The girls played really well, they just weren't able to make any solid contact with the ball.
It was a lovely evening, and towards the end of my run I stopped to watch a men's fastpitch softball game. My co-coach Jerry Ball was playing against the varsity coach's husband. If you ever want to see competitive fastpitch, watch these guys. They are unbelievable.
Is it really only Monday?
It was a lovely evening, and towards the end of my run I stopped to watch a men's fastpitch softball game. My co-coach Jerry Ball was playing against the varsity coach's husband. If you ever want to see competitive fastpitch, watch these guys. They are unbelievable.
Is it really only Monday?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
8 Mile
This is no longer an Eminem movie I never saw. It's now the longest distance I have run at one time! I did the same run as Monday, but I added on an extra 1/2 mile somewhere in the middle. My hips are a little sore this evening (which could possibly be attributed to me sitting at a computer all week), but other than that I feel pretty good.
My B-Squad team plays Mahtomedi today. I dropped off some twizzlers, sunflower seeds, and eye black for them. I'll be able to join them again Friday. It's been nice to have a week off from coaching, but I do miss it.
My B-Squad team plays Mahtomedi today. I dropped off some twizzlers, sunflower seeds, and eye black for them. I'll be able to join them again Friday. It's been nice to have a week off from coaching, but I do miss it.
Monday, April 16, 2007
I ran around Lake Harriet (3 miles) yesterday afternoon, and I have never seen so many people out walking around. I felt like I was in a parade. I think word got out that it was a beautiful day, and that there might not be another one. Ever.
Lake Harriet is in an upscale area of Minneapolis, and I felt a little sloppy in my mesh shorts and t-shirt. No kidding - people were walking in high heels, fancy tank tops, designer sunglasses, and denim mini-skirts.
I tacked on 2 more miles later that evening with Meg in her neighborhood. I was a little worried about her running since she passed out giving blood Saturday and bonked her head on the floor. She did great, though, and it was nice to be outside again.
Today I ran 7.5 miles. I didn't even mean to run that much, but I got into a groove and just kept going. It took 1 hour and 20 minutes, which I think is between 10 and 11-minute miles. This weather is perfect and I hope it stays for a while.
I work 3pm-11pm all this week, which is a bummer because I have to miss 3 softball games. Right now our B-Squad (sophomore) team has a 1 and 1 record.
On a side note, I did a load of laundry with what seemed like an entire box of Kleenex. I have been picking little bits of tissue out of my towels and sheets for the last hour. AARRRGH!
Lake Harriet is in an upscale area of Minneapolis, and I felt a little sloppy in my mesh shorts and t-shirt. No kidding - people were walking in high heels, fancy tank tops, designer sunglasses, and denim mini-skirts.
I tacked on 2 more miles later that evening with Meg in her neighborhood. I was a little worried about her running since she passed out giving blood Saturday and bonked her head on the floor. She did great, though, and it was nice to be outside again.
Today I ran 7.5 miles. I didn't even mean to run that much, but I got into a groove and just kept going. It took 1 hour and 20 minutes, which I think is between 10 and 11-minute miles. This weather is perfect and I hope it stays for a while.
I work 3pm-11pm all this week, which is a bummer because I have to miss 3 softball games. Right now our B-Squad (sophomore) team has a 1 and 1 record.
On a side note, I did a load of laundry with what seemed like an entire box of Kleenex. I have been picking little bits of tissue out of my towels and sheets for the last hour. AARRRGH!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
A day so nice I ran it twice!
Yesterday was about 44 degrees with bright blue skies. Meg and I went to Target in the morning and bought ipods. I got a green Nano, which I'm sure will take me forever figure out. I heard that Grandma's Marathon has banned the use of headphone and music devices to increase runner safety. Clearly this did not stop me from purchasing one.
I ran around Lake Phalen after lunch, then headed off to the high school for our first softball game of the season. As I was driving, however, I got news that games were cancelled because the fields were not in playable condition. So we practiced instead, and it was still sunny out at 6:30, so I ran again.
Today, however, was a different story. It was cloudy and a bit cooler, all in all not bad, but my legs felt really really heavy. I went for 5 miles, but I had to walk twice. AARGH!
At this point, our softball game is still on for today. I will be bringing lots of blankets along to keep warm.
I ran around Lake Phalen after lunch, then headed off to the high school for our first softball game of the season. As I was driving, however, I got news that games were cancelled because the fields were not in playable condition. So we practiced instead, and it was still sunny out at 6:30, so I ran again.
Today, however, was a different story. It was cloudy and a bit cooler, all in all not bad, but my legs felt really really heavy. I went for 5 miles, but I had to walk twice. AARGH!
At this point, our softball game is still on for today. I will be bringing lots of blankets along to keep warm.
Monday, April 2, 2007
"AND, she's Irish! This is perfect!!"
I ran 5.5 miles outside today, after work and practice. It was partly cloudy and 52 degrees- perfect running conditions for me. About halfway through, I saw 2 cop cars pull over a minivan right in front of me, which was exciting to watch until it occured to me I could potentially be in danger. I quickened my step and turned a corner, and saw what looked like 2 homeless men standing in a parking lot. One of them looked familiar. At first I thought he was a former landlord of mine, then I thought he was a former patient, but then it hit me. It was Larry with the Limp! I cannot possibly type out the entire Larry with the Limp story (it is much better told in person with many hand gestures and facial expressions), but about 3 years ago I cut and filed his ingrown toenails on the #2 checkout lane at Rainbow Foods. It's also where the phrase "AND, she's Irish! This is perfect!" comes from. Anyway, I giggled myself the rest of the way home.
The Twins just won the 2007 season opener! They beat the Orioles 7-4 in a wonderfully exciting game. I am so glad baseball season is here!
The Twins just won the 2007 season opener! They beat the Orioles 7-4 in a wonderfully exciting game. I am so glad baseball season is here!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
They're always after me lucky charms!
This really has nothing to do with anything, but here it comes anyway. I love cereal. I eat it a lot because it takes no time to prepare, and I can satisfy my hunger as well as my thirst all at once. Well, today I was running low on options, so I went to the store. Lucky for me, cereal was on sale! If I bought 6 boxes of General Mills cereal, I got $10 off. So I did, and I did. Also, all Roundy's (generic) brand was 50% off. What a deal! And then, because I bought so much cereal, I got a coupon for 2 free gallons of milk. Huzzah! So now I have 28 boxes at home, which I'm pretty sure is a new record for me.
Soldier Field 10 Mile
The annual 10 Mile Race starts outside of Soldier Field, runs through Chicago's beautiful Southside, then heads north along the lakefront path. Participants run through Soldier Field with a spectacular finish on the field. Friends and family can watch you cross the finish line on the gigantic Jumbotron from inside the stadium.
Ellen talked me into signing up for this race. That girl can be very persuasive! It's going to be the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. I can't wait! I just hope I can keep up with her. OK, I take that back. I just hope I can finish!
I ran 6 miles on the treadmill yesterday, which took 58 minutes. My feet and ankles were so swollen by the end - I was on my feet for 8 hours at the hospital, followed by 2.5 hours of softball practice.
I don't work at the hospital today, and I am so grateful for the extra hours of sleep! Yessssss.
Ellen talked me into signing up for this race. That girl can be very persuasive! It's going to be the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. I can't wait! I just hope I can keep up with her. OK, I take that back. I just hope I can finish!
I ran 6 miles on the treadmill yesterday, which took 58 minutes. My feet and ankles were so swollen by the end - I was on my feet for 8 hours at the hospital, followed by 2.5 hours of softball practice.
I don't work at the hospital today, and I am so grateful for the extra hours of sleep! Yessssss.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Suddenly I See!
It was really foggy this morning when I headed out for my run, but the sun burned it all away, and by the end it was clear and sunny. It's 62 degrees out, and I am having difficulties picking the right running outfit in these warmer temps. When it was below freezing, I just layered as many clothes on as I could. But now, one long sleeved shirt nearly ruined my run. I guess I would rather be a little chilly than too warm. It's just so hard to know!
I have been running between 40 and 60 minutes every day, and it's getting easier. The problem is I've been running out of things to think about. After about 20 minutes, I'm bored. I'm contemplating the purchase of an ipod.
I work 7am-3:30pm all this week, softball practice is 4pm-6pm, and I'll try to run right after practice. It's so nice to be busy again!
I have been running between 40 and 60 minutes every day, and it's getting easier. The problem is I've been running out of things to think about. After about 20 minutes, I'm bored. I'm contemplating the purchase of an ipod.
I work 7am-3:30pm all this week, softball practice is 4pm-6pm, and I'll try to run right after practice. It's so nice to be busy again!
Monday, March 19, 2007
A Mighty Wind
I ran around Lake Phalen twice this afternoon, for a total of 6.25 miles. I felt pretty good the whole time, despite the Taco John's sloshing around in my belly and a mighty westerly wind. The gusts were fierce, causing my eyes to well up with huge tears.
The Channel 5 News van was parked around the lake, so I'm pretty sure I'll be on TV tonight. Look for the girl wiping her nose with her sleeve or hiking up her wind pants - that'll be me.
The Channel 5 News van was parked around the lake, so I'm pretty sure I'll be on TV tonight. Look for the girl wiping her nose with her sleeve or hiking up her wind pants - that'll be me.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
A couple of runs...
Yesterday Meg and I ran around Lake Phalen- about 3 miles, I think. We had to leap through some melting snow drifts, but other than that it was pretty uneventful. It's always great running with someone.
Today it was a little cooler out, so after practice I ran on the treadmill at the high school. It was fun to see how far I was actually going, and how fast. I ran for 3 miles, and my pace was just under 13-minute miles. I felt like I was running really fast (faster than I usually do outside). I think I'll try to run on the treadmill once or twice a week just to keep an eye on my speed, miles, etc.
I was awfully tired today. I think I just need to get used to not having my naptime. Or maybe I should start drinking coffee.
Today it was a little cooler out, so after practice I ran on the treadmill at the high school. It was fun to see how far I was actually going, and how fast. I ran for 3 miles, and my pace was just under 13-minute miles. I felt like I was running really fast (faster than I usually do outside). I think I'll try to run on the treadmill once or twice a week just to keep an eye on my speed, miles, etc.
I was awfully tired today. I think I just need to get used to not having my naptime. Or maybe I should start drinking coffee.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sorry, Grandma!
So I've been blatently bad-mouthing Grandma's Half Marathon for all her bizarre rules and regulations, and her time requirements, and her busing of those who are unable to maintain the pace to some random parking lot, and her hefty entrance fee, and her 6:30 am start time, and especially her crazy lottery system by which race participants are chosen. But then I found out today that someone else I know (Crystal, a fellow nurse) was also chosen. As it turns out, everyone I know who applied was accepted. So maybe I was a little harsh, Grandma. Sorry about that. But your start time is still crazy early.
Boy, oh boy! Softball is here and I'm so happy! It's so hard to define/describe the smell of my glove and the feeling of playing catch. It's just awesome. We only have the pitchers and catchers today and tomorrow, but from then on everybody's in.
Because I no longer work nights at the hospital, I am more of a floater coach this season. It looks like I will be mostly helping out the B-Squad (sophomore) team, much to the chagrin of the head B-Squad coach, Jerry Ball, who was my assistant coach last year. He insists I am still the head B-Squad coach, but he is wrong. I'm pretty sure he just doesn't want to deal with the parents.
I have found that the only time I can run is after practice. It's too dark at 5am, but it's still light out at 7pm! I ran around the high school twice. I'm doing about 15-minute miles, but I can only run about 2-3 miles.
My big problem now is.... when do I shower? I want to shower after my run at night because I hate to go to bed dirty. But wet hair at night means a really bad hair day in the morning. Plus, I like to shower in the morning to wake me up before work. So then do I shower twice? Woe is me!
Because I no longer work nights at the hospital, I am more of a floater coach this season. It looks like I will be mostly helping out the B-Squad (sophomore) team, much to the chagrin of the head B-Squad coach, Jerry Ball, who was my assistant coach last year. He insists I am still the head B-Squad coach, but he is wrong. I'm pretty sure he just doesn't want to deal with the parents.
I have found that the only time I can run is after practice. It's too dark at 5am, but it's still light out at 7pm! I ran around the high school twice. I'm doing about 15-minute miles, but I can only run about 2-3 miles.
My big problem now is.... when do I shower? I want to shower after my run at night because I hate to go to bed dirty. But wet hair at night means a really bad hair day in the morning. Plus, I like to shower in the morning to wake me up before work. So then do I shower twice? Woe is me!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
March Madness
That will describe my life starting tomorrow when softball season kicks off. I will have to plan out when I'm going to find time to run. My only options seem to be before work in the morning, or after practice in the evening. I don't really like the sound of either one.
Today I ran for 35 minutes, and walked for 15. I just wanted to stay outside. I think it may have hit 50 degrees out there! The highlight was seeing a huge hawk. It was sitting on top of an electrical pole, and as I got close, it flew away. The wingspan was enormous! So cool. I love seeing wildlife.
There are still lots of puddles to avoid on my route. On a path behind the high school, there are tons of huge ones. Yesterday I got soaked. But today, I tiptoed my way through with speed and agility, and hardly got wet at all! I felt like Richard Gere in First Night making his way through the gauntlet.
Today I ran for 35 minutes, and walked for 15. I just wanted to stay outside. I think it may have hit 50 degrees out there! The highlight was seeing a huge hawk. It was sitting on top of an electrical pole, and as I got close, it flew away. The wingspan was enormous! So cool. I love seeing wildlife.
There are still lots of puddles to avoid on my route. On a path behind the high school, there are tons of huge ones. Yesterday I got soaked. But today, I tiptoed my way through with speed and agility, and hardly got wet at all! I felt like Richard Gere in First Night making his way through the gauntlet.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Back in the saddle again!
I am hereby out of hibernation! It's been so long, and it's good to be back. I've been in a funk for about 2 months, which I blame it on the nasty weather. Today, however, is gorgeous!
I think it got to 48 degrees. Sven Sundgaard (KARE 11 weekend weatherman) just said today it is the warmest day since Dec. 14, 2006 (my birthday).
I applied to run a half marathon in Duluth, MN on June 16th. They have a crazy lottery system, and only take 4500 runners. I never thought I would get accepted, but I found out today that my check was cashed, meaning I am IN!!! A girl I play volleyball with was chosen as well. So now we have to worry about that 14-minute per mile pace. What have we gotten ourselves into?
My run today felt good. Nothing hurt, at least. I'm getting serious about these runs now that I have a goal. Here's proof: today, I wore a watch.
I think it got to 48 degrees. Sven Sundgaard (KARE 11 weekend weatherman) just said today it is the warmest day since Dec. 14, 2006 (my birthday).
I applied to run a half marathon in Duluth, MN on June 16th. They have a crazy lottery system, and only take 4500 runners. I never thought I would get accepted, but I found out today that my check was cashed, meaning I am IN!!! A girl I play volleyball with was chosen as well. So now we have to worry about that 14-minute per mile pace. What have we gotten ourselves into?
My run today felt good. Nothing hurt, at least. I'm getting serious about these runs now that I have a goal. Here's proof: today, I wore a watch.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Peru's Second (and only slightly less well-known) National Anthem
I forgot! When Ellen and I returned from our trip, Meg and Joel sang us their version of the Peru National Anthem. Interestingly enough, it's to the tune of "The Star-Spangled Banner"....
Oh Peru is the grea-
test country in the world.
All the other countries
are run by little girls.
Oh Peru's the best place
to do every extreme sport.
And it's allll-so not bad
if you're missing your passport.
Oh Peru we love you
and your Machu Picchu!
To your flag we'll be true
Peru! Peru! Peru!
Oh say does Peru count
as a third world country (or more like a second?)
And is it really summer there?
'Cause it's sort of hard to picture.
Oh Peru is the grea-
test country in the world.
All the other countries
are run by little girls.
Oh Peru's the best place
to do every extreme sport.
And it's allll-so not bad
if you're missing your passport.
Oh Peru we love you
and your Machu Picchu!
To your flag we'll be true
Peru! Peru! Peru!
Oh say does Peru count
as a third world country (or more like a second?)
And is it really summer there?
'Cause it's sort of hard to picture.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
On The Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
I woke up to Green Day this morning, and they carried me through work and the run after.
I ran about 30 minutes (yes, I realize eventually I'm going to have to multiply that by about 10).
And here's why it was a good run:
1. I was dressed appropriately for the weather, and I wasn't too cold.
2. The winds seemed to be coming from the west, so I tried not to go that way. (Not as easy as it sounds!)
3. The roads were more cleared off than yesterday - think it the sun was out for most of today.
4. The sun is setting a little later, so I could relax a bit after work before heading out.
5. I passed a couple of walkers along the way, and the guy yelled out "You're inspiring!" I thought that was so nice.
I ran about 30 minutes (yes, I realize eventually I'm going to have to multiply that by about 10).
And here's why it was a good run:
1. I was dressed appropriately for the weather, and I wasn't too cold.
2. The winds seemed to be coming from the west, so I tried not to go that way. (Not as easy as it sounds!)
3. The roads were more cleared off than yesterday - think it the sun was out for most of today.
4. The sun is setting a little later, so I could relax a bit after work before heading out.
5. I passed a couple of walkers along the way, and the guy yelled out "You're inspiring!" I thought that was so nice.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
South America!
We were not deterred, however, and we continued to whitewater raft, mountain bike, and hike in the Andes Mountains. All sports extreme, with a capital X. This is us after whitewater rafting down the Urubamba River (Class IV Rapids).
This is us on a muddy biking trail, on our way to see some ruins.....
MachuPicchu was stunning, and a great payoff after a 4 day trek up and down ginormous mountains. The altitude was a problem for me, especially with a couple of broken ribs. The highest point was 3850 meters, or 12,628 feet. The air was so thin, and breathing was noticeably harder than the 700 foot elevation of St. Paul!
And here's the spectacular MachuPicchu!
I did go running today, the first time since being in S. America. I was expecting it to be easy, compared to what my body had been going through the last 2 weeks, but it was not. First of all, it's COLD here. Secondly, not only are the roads not plowed, but neither are the few sidewalks we have. So frustrating. Anyway, I guess I'll have to deal with it because I don't see spring arriving anytime soon.
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