Thursday, March 29, 2007

Soldier Field 10 Mile

The annual 10 Mile Race starts outside of Soldier Field, runs through Chicago's beautiful Southside, then heads north along the lakefront path. Participants run through Soldier Field with a spectacular finish on the field. Friends and family can watch you cross the finish line on the gigantic Jumbotron from inside the stadium.

Ellen talked me into signing up for this race. That girl can be very persuasive! It's going to be the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. I can't wait! I just hope I can keep up with her. OK, I take that back. I just hope I can finish!
I ran 6 miles on the treadmill yesterday, which took 58 minutes. My feet and ankles were so swollen by the end - I was on my feet for 8 hours at the hospital, followed by 2.5 hours of softball practice.
I don't work at the hospital today, and I am so grateful for the extra hours of sleep! Yessssss.

1 comment:

Rhi said...

Jean I am so you think you could exercise for me? The only activity I have at work is getting my print-outs from the printer which is 10 feet away...and my occasional walk up the stairs. When I am at home it is only I was hoping maybe you could just do a little for me =)