Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A couple of runs...

Yesterday Meg and I ran around Lake Phalen- about 3 miles, I think. We had to leap through some melting snow drifts, but other than that it was pretty uneventful. It's always great running with someone.
Today it was a little cooler out, so after practice I ran on the treadmill at the high school. It was fun to see how far I was actually going, and how fast. I ran for 3 miles, and my pace was just under 13-minute miles. I felt like I was running really fast (faster than I usually do outside). I think I'll try to run on the treadmill once or twice a week just to keep an eye on my speed, miles, etc.
I was awfully tired today. I think I just need to get used to not having my naptime. Or maybe I should start drinking coffee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Drink coffee you stubborn son of a gun!