So here's a first for me: my power went out in the middle of the night and my alarm didn't go off. I took it as a sign and called work to say I wouldn't be in today. Thank goodness I'm still in orientation and my not being there doesn't matter a hill of beans to anybody.
Life in the ER has been pretty interesting. I am slowly understanding how things work down there and what my role is. My brain has been on overdrive lately, though. I find myself asking questions all the time. So much so that I haven't felt comfortable making a decision on my own, even outside the hospital. For instance:
-Should I pay $4 and rent a video at this place, or drive a little farther and pay $1?
-Do I have to eat this yogurt by the 'Use By' date and will I get sick if I eat it 2 weeks later?
-Is it ok to crank my heat up to 68 degrees when I'm not home just so it will be warm when I get home?
All those petty little questions that pop up seem really important until I snap out of it and see how ridiculous I am.
I've been running a bit. Not frequently. It's been a little chilly, but the real problem has been the lack of plowing/shoveling. My streets are still snow-covered 2 days after the last snow, and West St. Paul has a serious lack of sidewalks. This is about the time of year I toss around the idea of joining a gym. But then I come to my senses and remember that I cannot stand driving over to a gym, the fees, the pressure to do more than just run, etc.
Just about all of my Christmas shopping is done! Yesterday, the UPS man delivered the last of the stuff I ordered online. What a relief! I'm always worried it won't get here on time.
That's all for now. I'll try to go to work tomorrow!
Um what's your quote from? I don't recognize it.
Hey do you want to ride together to the party tonight? I know the likelihood of your power "going out" again is low, but I don't really want to stay out super late anyway. Well call me if you want, I'm gonna go take a nap.
I'd say crank up the heat, eat the yogurt and drive a little further for that bargain-priced $1 video. But that's just me.....
And congrats on the completion of your shopping.
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