Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Whoever said Minnesota has 2 seasons: winter and construction, sure wasn't kidding. I've been dodging city trucks, trying to avoid the gravel and fresh tar on the roads, and changing my routes because of closed roads. I do feel bad for those construction workers when it's so hot out. It makes me glad I work in an air-conditioned building.
Speaking of the heat, I was at the doctor a few weeks ago, and we were talking about training for the Twin Cities Marathon (she's running it too). She said the only thing she didn't like about it was that you have to train in the summer. I didn't really think it was going to be that big of a deal, but it has turned out to be really hard to run when it's so hot and muggy and humid out. My runs earlier in the week were brutal, and now that the temp has dropped and the dew points have fallen, I've been too busy to run.
On a different note, at work yesterday, a urinal fell on my head, and my patient's leg fell out of the closet and whacked me in the forehead. The urinal was clean, thank goodness, but who puts their leg on the upper shelf of a closet? Don't you think it belongs on the floor - where everyone else's legs are?

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