Friday, August 17, 2007

New running outfit!

Ellen sent me a tank top from her work, which I wore on my run today. It's bright yellow, so people can see me, and it's a really soft mesh material. Quite comfortable. Thanks, E$!
I also bought a pair of actual running shorts (on Ellen's recommendation). They have built-in underwear, which made me nervous at first, but they're nice because they don't get all bunchy. There's nothin' worse than bunchy undies.

This morning I drove to downtown St. Paul, parked in a free lot by Hwy 52, and ran south along Shepard Road to 35E and back.
Total mileage = 8 (right on schedule)
Total time = 1hr 15min (good)
Minutes per mile = 9.4 (good)
Temp = 68 degrees (perfect!)
Humidity = 39% (perfect!)
Dew Point = 44 degrees (perfect!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey the Beans! You're doing great on your running. The cooler weather will definitely make it more pleasant.

Love, Mamacita