Monday, May 28, 2007

10 Mile Run? Done. And done.

Meg, Ellen and I completed the Soldier Field 10-mile run on Saturday! Ellen flew ahead and finished in about 1 hr and 20 minutes, while it took Meg and I about 1 hr 40 min. It felt so good to finish! The weather was perfect, and it was so fun to run through the tunnel onto the field!
I feel like I should be able to run the additional 3 miles for the 1/2 marathon in Duluth, which is only 19 days away.
Click on the link to Meg's blog to see pictures!
Happy Memorial Day!


Rhi said...

Great job Jean (and Meg & Ellen)!!! Love the pictures! You gals look great with all the running you are doing!!! Keep up the great work!!

Amy said...

congrats!!! I'm so proud of you three. I left a message on Meg's blog too. I've got my fist official race this weekend, a measly 5K, but reading yours and Meg's blog has kept me going with my own training. Congrats again, and good luck in the half marathon!!!