I ran this morning. I didn't mean to, I didn't plan to, it just happened! I woke up at 6am and the sun was shining. I didn't have to work until 9am, but I couldn't fall back asleep. So I strapped on my running shoes and jogged a quick 3 miles. Let me tell you, after running 26.2, 3 miles was like a walk in the park!
It was a great day at work today. I worked with some awesome people, which makes all the difference. Most of my patients were looney-tooney, but nothing terrible.
Speaking of nothing terrible, I ate sushi or the first time tonight! Honestly, it wasn't bad. I would never intentionally go to a sushi restaurant or order it again, but I didn't vomit, either.
I can hear some fireworks going off now. I hope everyone has a happy 4th of July!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Harriet Truman and her Troubadours
Meg drove me to the airport early Friday morning and I got the very last seat on American's flight 545 to Chicago. Mom and Dad were waiting for me at the Kiss-N-Fly at the other end. I feel like it had been a long time since I was home. Is it weird that I still call Rolling Meadows home?
Mom made French Toast for lunch, we scored big at a sweet estate sale (Post-its for everyone!!), then I hopped on the Metra to see Ellen and Eric and their new apartment in Wicker Park. It's set up a lot like her old apartment, but there is a fantastic winding staircase in the living room leading up to the upstairs. They already have lots of decorations up and the walls and windows are adorned with stained glass treasures made by Ellen. Anyway, I thought the apartment was adorable, as are E & E.
Saturday morning Mom and I went to the high school and played a little tennis. It was so great to hit the ball around for awhile. I miss doing that!
Mom, Dad and I drove into Chicago for the wedding of my cousin Tom and (his now wife) Julie. The weather was perfect: sunny and mid-70s. The ceremony was lovely (even though the priest was a White Sox fan), and although I am not usually emotional at these kind of events, the a cappella Ave Maria and the bag pipers escorting the couple down the aisle got me a little choked up.
The reception was typical Ryan insanity and lots of fun. Here is a picture with some of my cousins that I had to steal from Bridget's Blog because my camera was collecting dust back in St. Paul.

Sunday morning I tried to visit my Grandma Evans, but she had gone on an excursion to Mundelein with some of the other residents. Ellen came out to the 'burbs and we all played Canasta and ate salmon. I flew back to the cities late Sunday night and got in around 1am.
I went canoeing down the St. Croix on Monday afternoon, went to the Ft. Snelling beach with Meg and the kids Tuesday morning, and didn't have to work until Tuesday afternoon! What a long, lovely weekend! I wish I could have 4-day weekends all the time. They make me so happy!
ps: For those wondering, I have so far been able to keep the promise to my legs: I have not run since the marathon. However, I have a feeling I will be breaking that promise soon. The weather is just too beautiful and the doughnuts are just too tasty.
Mom made French Toast for lunch, we scored big at a sweet estate sale (Post-its for everyone!!), then I hopped on the Metra to see Ellen and Eric and their new apartment in Wicker Park. It's set up a lot like her old apartment, but there is a fantastic winding staircase in the living room leading up to the upstairs. They already have lots of decorations up and the walls and windows are adorned with stained glass treasures made by Ellen. Anyway, I thought the apartment was adorable, as are E & E.
Saturday morning Mom and I went to the high school and played a little tennis. It was so great to hit the ball around for awhile. I miss doing that!
Mom, Dad and I drove into Chicago for the wedding of my cousin Tom and (his now wife) Julie. The weather was perfect: sunny and mid-70s. The ceremony was lovely (even though the priest was a White Sox fan), and although I am not usually emotional at these kind of events, the a cappella Ave Maria and the bag pipers escorting the couple down the aisle got me a little choked up.
The reception was typical Ryan insanity and lots of fun. Here is a picture with some of my cousins that I had to steal from Bridget's Blog because my camera was collecting dust back in St. Paul.

Sunday morning I tried to visit my Grandma Evans, but she had gone on an excursion to Mundelein with some of the other residents. Ellen came out to the 'burbs and we all played Canasta and ate salmon. I flew back to the cities late Sunday night and got in around 1am.
I went canoeing down the St. Croix on Monday afternoon, went to the Ft. Snelling beach with Meg and the kids Tuesday morning, and didn't have to work until Tuesday afternoon! What a long, lovely weekend! I wish I could have 4-day weekends all the time. They make me so happy!
ps: For those wondering, I have so far been able to keep the promise to my legs: I have not run since the marathon. However, I have a feeling I will be breaking that promise soon. The weather is just too beautiful and the doughnuts are just too tasty.
Monday, June 23, 2008
26.2 - Grandma Style!

Well, I've done it again. My second marathon has come and gone, and I am left (proverbially) licking my (literal) wounds. And here's how it went down:
Meg, mom and I packed up the car Friday afternoon and drove north to Duluth. We heard that a lane was closed on the interstate entering the city, so we took the Skyline Parkway to avoid some of the congestion. It was a beautiful detour, even with the occasional downpour. I picked up my race packet at the DECC, then we checked into the hotel. (Donna was able to use her connections to get us a room at the Sheraton with a lovely view of Lake Superior!) We walked back to Canal Park, ate a spaghetti dinner, then back to the hotel and waited for Dad, Joel, Lucy and Eddie. The 4 of them spent the night in the UMD dorms (so as not to disturb my pre-marathon slumber).
I was able to get a few decent hours of sleep, but I woke up around 3am wide awake and waiting for my alarms to go off. I think 5 were set this year - just in case! I showered, got dressed, and ate a bowl of cereal. Mom and Meg walked the 2 blocks with me to Fitgers where I hopped on a school bus headed for the start of the marathon in Two Harbors, MN.
The bus ride up there seemed to take FOREVER, and the only thing I could think of was that I had to run all the way back. They dumped us off in a huge area with thousands of port-a-potties and even more runners wandering about. It was as close to feeling like being in a concentration camp as I ever want to be: thousands of skinny people wondering what horrible fate lies ahead. There was a moment of silence for last year's winner, Wesly Ngetich, who was killed while on a peace-keeping mission in Kenya early this year. There was a fly-by by two fighter planes, the National Anthem was sung, and we were off!
I got to the starting line about 7 minutes after the gun (pretty standard). I'm not sure of the starting temperature, but I know I was quite comfortable. The first 3 miles were a breeze. Around mile 4, two runners had moved off to the side up ahead of me. It looked like the guy knelt down to tie his shoe, but then he proposed to the girl he had been running with! It was so adorable, and hundreds of runners passing by (including me) were cheering and clapping for them. At mile 9, Al Franken (Stuart Smalley) was standing on the side and he gave me a high-five. As I ran towards mile 13, I could see large gold pom-pons flying around, and then I saw them! Meg and my mom were cheering and jumping and screaming! I totally needed to see them. It was like a beacon of light! If I had been any less dehydrated, I would have cried. I had been feeling pretty good up to that point, running just under 10-minute miles, and I could tell they were a bit surprised to see me so soon.
I kept on running, drinking at every water station available. In addition to water, they had lemonade-flavored Ultima for us, so I would usually grab a cup of each. Sometimes the volunteers would sneak an ice cube into the cups which was an extra treat! They also had large, wet, cold sponges which I doused myself with mostly in the later miles. Mom and Meg were on bikes, so I would see them periodically throughout the run: always cheering, holding signs, high-kicking. Awesome.
I made it up the dreaded Lemon Drop Hill at mile 22, but that's where the fun stopped. From that point on would be the longest 4.2 miles of my life. Nothing hurt, but I was completely drained. Mom and Meg met up with Dad, Joel, Lu & Ed at mile 24, and I don't really remember seeing them.
With less than 1 mile left to go, I realized that I could potentially beat my time from last fall, so I started bargaining with my legs... "If you can just keep going for, like, 10 more minutes, I won't... run for a month! Or a year! Or ever again!!"
With 1/2 mile to go, a slightly overweight middle-aged lady with cute chin-length brown hair shouted out, "Jean, you can do this!!" (My name was written down my arm.) I think I mumbled, "Ok, fine! Geez!" and I plugged through to the finish line.
And then it was over: 4 hours, 49 minutes, and 26 seconds after the starting gun went off. My chip time (time from actually crossing the starting line to crossing the finish line) was 4:41:57. I was about 6-7 minutes faster than last time!
So that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Thanks to everyone for the support and good wishes! I'm hoping to post some pictures soon. Here's a preview! :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Last Run
I finished my last run before the marathon! I ran two little miles around the streets of West St Paul on this lovely Thursday morning.
I just talked to my parents who are driving up to the cities as we speak. They should be around Madison by now. We plan on leaving for Duluth (along with Meg, Joel, and the kids) sometime tomorrow. I'm hoping for nice weather, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get it.
I made my "must remember to pack" list this morning, and I think I'm set. I just really want this thing to be over with! AAAUGHH!! I'm terribly nervous.
I just talked to my parents who are driving up to the cities as we speak. They should be around Madison by now. We plan on leaving for Duluth (along with Meg, Joel, and the kids) sometime tomorrow. I'm hoping for nice weather, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get it.
I made my "must remember to pack" list this morning, and I think I'm set. I just really want this thing to be over with! AAAUGHH!! I'm terribly nervous.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Bamos the Bear!
If ever there was a perfect day, this one comes close. Nothing earth-shattering happened, but who needs earth-shattering? I was able to:
1)Make a phone call to my fabulous father to wish him a very happy Father's Day.
2)Go for a lovely 4.5 mile run in the morning.
3)Complete a successful shopping trip for a running tank, socks, and shot blocks.
4)Watch the Twins game on TV (flipping occasionally to see Tiger Woods).
5)Play in two softball games in Hastings.
6)Watch the Tony awards.
7)Do a round of dishes and laundry.
AND, it was sunny, mid-70's, with a gentle breeze. Ridiculous.
It is now under a week until Grandma's Marathon, and I think I have moved on from my "absolutely terrified" phase. I seem to be in some kind of "whatever happens, happens" phase. I've done what I can. I rest Monday, run 3 miles on Tuesday, 4 on Wednesday, 2 on Thursday. I drive to Duluth on Friday and run this bad boy on Saturday.
1)Make a phone call to my fabulous father to wish him a very happy Father's Day.
2)Go for a lovely 4.5 mile run in the morning.
3)Complete a successful shopping trip for a running tank, socks, and shot blocks.
4)Watch the Twins game on TV (flipping occasionally to see Tiger Woods).
5)Play in two softball games in Hastings.
6)Watch the Tony awards.
7)Do a round of dishes and laundry.
AND, it was sunny, mid-70's, with a gentle breeze. Ridiculous.
It is now under a week until Grandma's Marathon, and I think I have moved on from my "absolutely terrified" phase. I seem to be in some kind of "whatever happens, happens" phase. I've done what I can. I rest Monday, run 3 miles on Tuesday, 4 on Wednesday, 2 on Thursday. I drive to Duluth on Friday and run this bad boy on Saturday.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Rollerbladers and Bikers and Runners... Oh My!!!
Last Friday was my 20-mile run. Mom and dad drove up the night before to help assist (this is becoming a tradition). Friday morning dad watched the kids while Meg, mom and I headed out. Meg was on rollerblades, mom on my bike, me on my feet. It was cloudy and cool- perfect conditions! Mom and Meg gabbed while I ran 4 miles to the top of Lake Phalen, 12 miles along the Gateway Trail, and another 4 back home. It was a tough run for me only because I was exhausted! It took me almost 20 minutes longer than my 20-miler last fall. I definitely walked more than I wanted to, but I did finish with very little pain, which is nice. Mom and Meg switched wheels around the 16-mile mark, and mom only fell twice on the rollerblades (that I could see). After the second fall I insisted she blade in back of me because she was making me so nervous. Both falls were mostly in the grass, and she rolled very well.
I played in a softball tournament Saturday and Sunday in Shakopee. We played 2 games Sat, 5 games Sun. I pitched all 7 and was only hit once. Unfortunately it was a line drive that hit the inside part of my right foot- the same spot that had been bothering me that last couple of months from running. What are the chances? Initially it was super-painful, but now, 2 days later, there isn't even a bruise. We took second place in the tourney, losing in the championship game. The weather was gorgeous, and I think it's my favorite thing to be playing softball all weekend.
I ran about 4.5 miles Monday, and I felt like I had elephant legs. Today, however, I ran 6.5 miles and felt just great. I can't figure myself out. Also, I am finding multiple blisters on my toes, and I have lost one toenail. Although it's not painful, it's also not aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
I think I have some funny work stories, but I'm tired and want to go to sleep now.
I played in a softball tournament Saturday and Sunday in Shakopee. We played 2 games Sat, 5 games Sun. I pitched all 7 and was only hit once. Unfortunately it was a line drive that hit the inside part of my right foot- the same spot that had been bothering me that last couple of months from running. What are the chances? Initially it was super-painful, but now, 2 days later, there isn't even a bruise. We took second place in the tourney, losing in the championship game. The weather was gorgeous, and I think it's my favorite thing to be playing softball all weekend.
I ran about 4.5 miles Monday, and I felt like I had elephant legs. Today, however, I ran 6.5 miles and felt just great. I can't figure myself out. Also, I am finding multiple blisters on my toes, and I have lost one toenail. Although it's not painful, it's also not aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
I think I have some funny work stories, but I'm tired and want to go to sleep now.
Gotta Love 'Em!
Ok, let's work backwards here.
Last night: Went to the Twins game with Meg and Deena and Donna. Donna got the tickets from a coworker and not only were they FREE, they were fantastic seats! Row 11 (there were only actually 6 rows in front of us) between home plate and the start of the Twins dugout. SO CLOSE. The Yankees were in town, and I had never seen them play in person.
Yankees: Tight pants, broken bats, bulging muscles and arm veins. Hideki Matsui for SURE not wearing a cup.
Boyfriend-on-boyfriend action: Michael Cuddyer throws out Derek Jeter trying to stretch a single into a double. Next inning, Yankees can't throw out Cuddyer who stretches a single into a double. Derek and Cuddles discuss the 2 plays at second base. *Swoon*
Great finish: Mauer hits a solo home run to tie the game at 5 apiece in the 7th. In the 8th, Little Nicky Punto moves Cuddles to 3rd (following his spectacular double), Delmon Young lines a double to right to score Cuddles, Joe Nathan shuts down the Yankees in the 9th.
I totally have to go to work now, but more on the weekend to follow, including a 20-mile run and a weekend full of softball.
Last night: Went to the Twins game with Meg and Deena and Donna. Donna got the tickets from a coworker and not only were they FREE, they were fantastic seats! Row 11 (there were only actually 6 rows in front of us) between home plate and the start of the Twins dugout. SO CLOSE. The Yankees were in town, and I had never seen them play in person.
Yankees: Tight pants, broken bats, bulging muscles and arm veins. Hideki Matsui for SURE not wearing a cup.
Boyfriend-on-boyfriend action: Michael Cuddyer throws out Derek Jeter trying to stretch a single into a double. Next inning, Yankees can't throw out Cuddyer who stretches a single into a double. Derek and Cuddles discuss the 2 plays at second base. *Swoon*
Great finish: Mauer hits a solo home run to tie the game at 5 apiece in the 7th. In the 8th, Little Nicky Punto moves Cuddles to 3rd (following his spectacular double), Delmon Young lines a double to right to score Cuddles, Joe Nathan shuts down the Yankees in the 9th.
I totally have to go to work now, but more on the weekend to follow, including a 20-mile run and a weekend full of softball.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
A day without softball is like a day without sunshine.
But that day was not today. Or yesterday! I coached our B-Squad tournament yesterday in South St. Paul. We lost. It was ugly. We only had 9 girls for the last 2 games because a few of them had to go get their hair done for Prom. Seriously. They are sophomores! Anyway, it is a huge relief to have that season over with.
I then played in my own tournament in Roseville with the O&S girls. I missed the first 3 games on Saturday because of coaching, but I played in the 4th game which we won. This morning we played at 10am and we lost, knocking us out. Bummer! It was a perfect day for playing.
Instead, I ran 18 miles. Meg biked next to me, and it was a very difficult run. The weather was great- 60s (I think?), sunny, not too breezy. I didn't hurt anywhere (except for a little chafing under my left arm- ow!), there weren't too many hills, I was just really tired. I walked a bit, more towards the end. Meg was helpful, telling me I looked good and salty.
I showered this evening and opened up a new shave gel. It's called Alluring Avocado and it felt like I was spreading guacamole into my armpits. Gross.
I then played in my own tournament in Roseville with the O&S girls. I missed the first 3 games on Saturday because of coaching, but I played in the 4th game which we won. This morning we played at 10am and we lost, knocking us out. Bummer! It was a perfect day for playing.
Instead, I ran 18 miles. Meg biked next to me, and it was a very difficult run. The weather was great- 60s (I think?), sunny, not too breezy. I didn't hurt anywhere (except for a little chafing under my left arm- ow!), there weren't too many hills, I was just really tired. I walked a bit, more towards the end. Meg was helpful, telling me I looked good and salty.
I showered this evening and opened up a new shave gel. It's called Alluring Avocado and it felt like I was spreading guacamole into my armpits. Gross.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Happy Belated Mother's Day!
Every year I have a Survivor practice with the girls. I split them into 2 tribes, give them buffs, and have them complete in a series of challenges. Here are pictures of the 2 teams this year:

The girls were really good sports, and the weather was perfect. We play 3 games this week, another 3 in our tournament on Saturday, then we're done!
Friday night I went to the Twins game with some friends. We were playing the Red Sox, a team I have never seen play live. It was a thrilling game, and the Twins ended up winning, down 5-6 with 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th. Mike Lamb hit a single to left that scored 2 runs for the win. And the crowd went wild! Here's us earlier in the game...

Meg rollerbladed the first 45 minutes of my 12-miler this morning. It took me 2 hours and 5 minutes to finish, and I felt just fine the whole way. We went along Shepard/Warner Road and it was a beautiful morning. We probably could have done without the breezes at the end, but it wasn't all that terrible. I've been cheating a bit on my shorter week-day runs because I've been so busy, but I think as long as I still do one long run a week I should be ok. I'll definitely have more time after this week.
At work on Saturday, a guy came in with left ear pain and trouble hearing. I took a look and he had a ton of wax in there. So, I got a syringe and a warm water/hydrogen peroxide mix and I irrigated his ear out. A bunch of nasty wax and what-not came pouring out, and after the third irrigation, he was in no pain and he could hear! I sent him home feeling like a successful ER nurse.
On Sunday an ambulance brought in a guy having an acute MI (heart attack). At the time he arrived, we had no other patients in back, so each nurse took a task (IV starter, drug giver, recorder/charted, protocol enterer, putting the patient into a gown and hooking him up to the monitors, and so forth.) In 16 minutes all the big drugs had been started (Integrelin, Heparin, etc.) and he was on his way up the the Cath Lab. In 52 minutes, the vessel was opened up and he was doing great! Goal time is apparently 30 minutes from door to Cath Lab and 90 minutes from door to completion of catheterization. We were all high-fiving each other afterwards. It was pretty cool.

The girls were really good sports, and the weather was perfect. We play 3 games this week, another 3 in our tournament on Saturday, then we're done!
Friday night I went to the Twins game with some friends. We were playing the Red Sox, a team I have never seen play live. It was a thrilling game, and the Twins ended up winning, down 5-6 with 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th. Mike Lamb hit a single to left that scored 2 runs for the win. And the crowd went wild! Here's us earlier in the game...

Meg rollerbladed the first 45 minutes of my 12-miler this morning. It took me 2 hours and 5 minutes to finish, and I felt just fine the whole way. We went along Shepard/Warner Road and it was a beautiful morning. We probably could have done without the breezes at the end, but it wasn't all that terrible. I've been cheating a bit on my shorter week-day runs because I've been so busy, but I think as long as I still do one long run a week I should be ok. I'll definitely have more time after this week.
At work on Saturday, a guy came in with left ear pain and trouble hearing. I took a look and he had a ton of wax in there. So, I got a syringe and a warm water/hydrogen peroxide mix and I irrigated his ear out. A bunch of nasty wax and what-not came pouring out, and after the third irrigation, he was in no pain and he could hear! I sent him home feeling like a successful ER nurse.
On Sunday an ambulance brought in a guy having an acute MI (heart attack). At the time he arrived, we had no other patients in back, so each nurse took a task (IV starter, drug giver, recorder/charted, protocol enterer, putting the patient into a gown and hooking him up to the monitors, and so forth.) In 16 minutes all the big drugs had been started (Integrelin, Heparin, etc.) and he was on his way up the the Cath Lab. In 52 minutes, the vessel was opened up and he was doing great! Goal time is apparently 30 minutes from door to Cath Lab and 90 minutes from door to completion of catheterization. We were all high-fiving each other afterwards. It was pretty cool.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Conditions are perfect!
It's Sunday, and my 5 days of not working at the hospital is coming to an end.I actually thought about picking up a shift but my fingers couldn't quite dial the numbers.
My B-Squadders scrimmaged the 9th grade team on Thursday, which was not particularly helpful to my girls. It amazes me how much players change (usually for the better) between 9th and 10th grades, and then also from 10th grade to 11th and 12th. Anyway, I cancelled Friday's practice because it poured all day and the thought of another indoor practice made me a little queasy.
Meg and I ran on Saturday almost 4.5 miles. We had an interesting experience... some guy was running with his teen-aged son, and as we approached them the dad held up his hand (as if to say hello). He raised it a little earlier than to be expected which probably no one would have deemed unusual except for Meg and myself, both thinking that we maybe knew the guy. We didn't. Halfway through our run we turned around to head back to our car. Apparently the guy and his son were doing the same thing at the other end, because we were about to cross paths with them again. As we did, the guy yelled out, "Hey! Are you two twins?" We both laughed out a "No", to which he replied, "Well, it looks like it!" or something like that. I think I yelled a thank you, but then they were gone. So weird. I felt like we were a spectacle! A sight to behold! Like afterwards he was telling his son, "Remember this day as the day you almost saw TWINS!!"
Later that evening I went to see Hill Murray High School's production of Footloose with Meg and Lucy. It was a decent production, and Lucy was just a little antsy throughout. The best part by far was Lu's 20-minute interpretive dance during intermission.
Today I needed to do a long run (more than 10 miles, less than 20). Meg was going to bike with me, but I couldn't figure out how to put air into the tires on my bike. I felt a little ridiculous, but I had 2 pumps and neither were making my tires more inflated. So Meg strapped up the rollerblades (much to her dismay) and we were off. We went up to Phalen and the Gateway, then back to their house. It was a little over 11 miles, but it felt like 20 to me. Ugh!
I really liked this story I read this morning:
My B-Squadders scrimmaged the 9th grade team on Thursday, which was not particularly helpful to my girls. It amazes me how much players change (usually for the better) between 9th and 10th grades, and then also from 10th grade to 11th and 12th. Anyway, I cancelled Friday's practice because it poured all day and the thought of another indoor practice made me a little queasy.
Meg and I ran on Saturday almost 4.5 miles. We had an interesting experience... some guy was running with his teen-aged son, and as we approached them the dad held up his hand (as if to say hello). He raised it a little earlier than to be expected which probably no one would have deemed unusual except for Meg and myself, both thinking that we maybe knew the guy. We didn't. Halfway through our run we turned around to head back to our car. Apparently the guy and his son were doing the same thing at the other end, because we were about to cross paths with them again. As we did, the guy yelled out, "Hey! Are you two twins?" We both laughed out a "No", to which he replied, "Well, it looks like it!" or something like that. I think I yelled a thank you, but then they were gone. So weird. I felt like we were a spectacle! A sight to behold! Like afterwards he was telling his son, "Remember this day as the day you almost saw TWINS!!"
Later that evening I went to see Hill Murray High School's production of Footloose with Meg and Lucy. It was a decent production, and Lucy was just a little antsy throughout. The best part by far was Lu's 20-minute interpretive dance during intermission.
Today I needed to do a long run (more than 10 miles, less than 20). Meg was going to bike with me, but I couldn't figure out how to put air into the tires on my bike. I felt a little ridiculous, but I had 2 pumps and neither were making my tires more inflated. So Meg strapped up the rollerblades (much to her dismay) and we were off. We went up to Phalen and the Gateway, then back to their house. It was a little over 11 miles, but it felt like 20 to me. Ugh!
I really liked this story I read this morning:
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Garbage Day!
We had our first sand volleyball game last night! Our team, Sofa King Lazy, won 2 of 3 games. The cold temps wouldn't have been so bad if we weren't playing in bare feet. My toes may never be the same. We stayed afterwards to chat- mostly about softball, which starts Thursday. Yessss!
I've run a few times since the 10K, and my foot has been pretty good. I can still feel some soreness, but it's definitely not painful. I shortened up my stride quite a bit, which seems to be helping. Unfortunately it's making me really slow! Oh well. I can't have it all, right?
I coach up in Mahtomedi this afternoon, then have to fly down to Burnsville for my own games at 6&7.
I've run a few times since the 10K, and my foot has been pretty good. I can still feel some soreness, but it's definitely not painful. I shortened up my stride quite a bit, which seems to be helping. Unfortunately it's making me really slow! Oh well. I can't have it all, right?
I coach up in Mahtomedi this afternoon, then have to fly down to Burnsville for my own games at 6&7.
Monday, April 28, 2008
No training, kinda injured, it's snowing, let's run a 10K!
Meg and Donna and I ran the Get-in-Gear 10K in Minneapolis on Saturday morning. We lost Donna before it even started, but Meg and I ran together all 6.2 miles. It was really cold waiting for the start, and the horizontal hail was a little crazy, but once we got going it wasn't too terrible. My foot was sore but not unbearable, and it didn't hurt at work all weekend. My new thinking is that I wasn't running enough and it was starting to atrophy. (Maybe?) Donna finished in 1hr 2minutes and Meg and I finished in 1hr 4minutes, although our chip times were a little better than that.
My favorite part of doing these runs is getting the t-shirt and eating the snacks afterwards. This time we got bananas, yogurt, salted nut rolls, juice, milk, ice cream. Mmm.
Happy birthday to Nana, 92 years young today!
My favorite part of doing these runs is getting the t-shirt and eating the snacks afterwards. This time we got bananas, yogurt, salted nut rolls, juice, milk, ice cream. Mmm.
Happy birthday to Nana, 92 years young today!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Lots of softball today! Sibley lost to Simley 6-2. It was a pretty lackluster performance by our sophomores. I'm not really sure why- it was 70 degrees, sunny, not too much wind, and they had a TON of licorice before the game. Hmm.
Afterwards I scooted down to Burnsville to play in the season opener for O&S. We lost the first and won the second. I played first base both games which was quite a change for me. At least I'm on the right side of the infield! I think I'll get moved over to second eventually, but I don't care either way. It's just so great being outside playing ball!
The good news is that my foot didn't bother me at all today. I'm icing it now with some old broccoli just to be sure.
I got really nervous today looking at my schedule. EVERYTHING is starting in the next 2 weeks. Volleyball on Tuesdays, women's softball Wednesdays, coed softball Thursdays, plus coaching and working at the hospital. Egad.
I just got a message on my cell from Lucy: "No more rhymes now, I mean it! Anybody want a peanut?" Awesome.
Who got kicked off American Idol tonight? I can't find it online anywhere!
Afterwards I scooted down to Burnsville to play in the season opener for O&S. We lost the first and won the second. I played first base both games which was quite a change for me. At least I'm on the right side of the infield! I think I'll get moved over to second eventually, but I don't care either way. It's just so great being outside playing ball!
The good news is that my foot didn't bother me at all today. I'm icing it now with some old broccoli just to be sure.
I got really nervous today looking at my schedule. EVERYTHING is starting in the next 2 weeks. Volleyball on Tuesdays, women's softball Wednesdays, coed softball Thursdays, plus coaching and working at the hospital. Egad.
I just got a message on my cell from Lucy: "No more rhymes now, I mean it! Anybody want a peanut?" Awesome.
Who got kicked off American Idol tonight? I can't find it online anywhere!
My right foot has really been bothering me lately. I talked to some docs at work about it, and after convincing me that my foot would need to be amputated and I would be forced to re-register for the marathon in the wheelchair division, they told me to go to Run-n-Fun to see what they could do for me. No one seems to think it's a stress fracture, which would mean 6+ weeks of no running. An x-ray could confirm, but I can't quite get to that point. I bought some insoles that I'll try out (and got 20% off because I'm a coach!), and I've been trying to avoid running for the past week. Lots of RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation). I have my first softball game tonight and a 10K on Saturday, so I'll see how this all goes.
Speaking of icing, I haven't really been able to make ice fast enough so I've been using a lot of old frozen veggies. It's been a good way to clean out my freezer, that's for sure. Right now I've got corn on the foot that probably should have been eaten in 2005.
Speaking of icing, I haven't really been able to make ice fast enough so I've been using a lot of old frozen veggies. It's been a good way to clean out my freezer, that's for sure. Right now I've got corn on the foot that probably should have been eaten in 2005.
Monday, April 14, 2008
This run is for the birds!
I ran 13.5 miles in 2 hours and 15 minutes. Not a cloud in the sky, bright sun, and about 40 degrees with a slight breeze from the southwest. I believe it's supposed to get up to 55 degrees today, but I work at 3 and had to run earlier. I parked at Phalen, ran the Gateway Trail, then back around Phalen. I was really tired around the 8 mile mark, but was able to push through.
I forgot how much I hate to run long runs by myself. I mean, I had my iPod, but I still got bored. Speaking of iPods, I listened to the entire Across the Universe soundtrack as well as all of Lily Allen's Alright, Still album. Good stuff.
So as far as birds go, it started when a huge black crow nearly took my head off right in the first 10 minutes. Then I saw an egret or heron (what's the difference?) and a red cardinal along the Gateway. And then back on Phalen I saw a bunch of ducks playing in the water and a cute little yellow bird with some black marks on it. (Dad, what is that one?) I was super tired when I was that little yellow one which was when I decided that this run was for the birds.
I'm off to work now, which means I miss our girls' second game, vs North St. Paul. We still haven't practiced outside yet, which means it might get ugly.
I forgot how much I hate to run long runs by myself. I mean, I had my iPod, but I still got bored. Speaking of iPods, I listened to the entire Across the Universe soundtrack as well as all of Lily Allen's Alright, Still album. Good stuff.
So as far as birds go, it started when a huge black crow nearly took my head off right in the first 10 minutes. Then I saw an egret or heron (what's the difference?) and a red cardinal along the Gateway. And then back on Phalen I saw a bunch of ducks playing in the water and a cute little yellow bird with some black marks on it. (Dad, what is that one?) I was super tired when I was that little yellow one which was when I decided that this run was for the birds.
I'm off to work now, which means I miss our girls' second game, vs North St. Paul. We still haven't practiced outside yet, which means it might get ugly.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Peanut....peanut butter! And jelly!
I ran out of peanut and jelly today. At the same time! That NEVER happens to me! It's like running out of shampoo and conditioner at the same time. It made me very happy.
I went on date #2 with Ian Saturday night. We saw The Alps at the Omnimax Theater in the Science Museum, then went for a drink and apps at a brewery in St Paul afterwards.
Unfortunately later that night I was sick as a dog: nausea, very (I repeat, very) icky tummy, back pain, etc. I tossed and turned for hours, and by 3:45 am I decided that since I wasn't ever going to sleep again, I should call in sick to work, which I did. I must have dozed off at some point because I woke up around noon to the sound of my phone ringing. Meg wanted to run. I was a little groggy and my stomach still wasn't quite right, but I headed over to Gronauland. Meg and I ran Phalen and a *little* more. The breeze was chilly, but it was about mid-40s and sunny, I think.
Anyway, I'm not sure why I got sick last night. It may have been the nachos. Or just really bad cramps. Meg thinks I'm in love, but I really think it was the beer. I think my body was actually rejecting the glass of beer I drank. How am I going to remember to stick to hard liquor?
I went on date #2 with Ian Saturday night. We saw The Alps at the Omnimax Theater in the Science Museum, then went for a drink and apps at a brewery in St Paul afterwards.
Unfortunately later that night I was sick as a dog: nausea, very (I repeat, very) icky tummy, back pain, etc. I tossed and turned for hours, and by 3:45 am I decided that since I wasn't ever going to sleep again, I should call in sick to work, which I did. I must have dozed off at some point because I woke up around noon to the sound of my phone ringing. Meg wanted to run. I was a little groggy and my stomach still wasn't quite right, but I headed over to Gronauland. Meg and I ran Phalen and a *little* more. The breeze was chilly, but it was about mid-40s and sunny, I think.
Anyway, I'm not sure why I got sick last night. It may have been the nachos. Or just really bad cramps. Meg thinks I'm in love, but I really think it was the beer. I think my body was actually rejecting the glass of beer I drank. How am I going to remember to stick to hard liquor?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
All the weather at once!
Rain, snow, hail, clouds, winds, lightning, thunder: all the weather at once. No surprise our game was cancelled today, but we did have a pretty fun practice in the gym. I brought out the "crazy ball" which is a small rubber thing that looks like many bouncy balls melted together. I roll it on the ground and it bounces in random directions and the girls chase after it with screams of delight. It's actually pretty funny to watch, and they run a lot without even knowing it.
I just got back from a delightful first date with Ian, a guy I met on Match.com. (And, Carol Daly, he pronounces it "Eee-an", not "In" or "Eye-an".) We went to dinner at the Liffey in St Paul. He is pretty tall and although he is mostly bald, he did not have a combover (like the last guy). He has chipmunk cheeks and dimples and seems like a genuinely happy person. He does some type of graphic designing and lives in a condo in St Paul. I had the seared walleye (so delicious!) and he had Shepard's pie and a which he finished off so it must have been decent. It was 10:30pm before we knew it (3 hours longer than bad teeth and combover dude) and I hope there will be a second date! (Is that enough specifics for y'all???) :)
I just got back from a delightful first date with Ian, a guy I met on Match.com. (And, Carol Daly, he pronounces it "Eee-an", not "In" or "Eye-an".) We went to dinner at the Liffey in St Paul. He is pretty tall and although he is mostly bald, he did not have a combover (like the last guy). He has chipmunk cheeks and dimples and seems like a genuinely happy person. He does some type of graphic designing and lives in a condo in St Paul. I had the seared walleye (so delicious!) and he had Shepard's pie and a which he finished off so it must have been decent. It was 10:30pm before we knew it (3 hours longer than bad teeth and combover dude) and I hope there will be a second date! (Is that enough specifics for y'all???) :)
Force Out
My taxes are finally done, thanks to Anna at H&R Block. I seriously HATE getting my taxes done- more than going to the dentist, more than just about anything. I never know what papers to bring, and I never know the answers to their questions. Like, "How much were your car tabs?" or "Did you get a property tax refund last year?" And I don't like seeing how much money I make because it makes my job feel more like a job than just some fun thing I get to go and do almost every day. Anyway, the deed is done and I will be getting a nice fat return.
And I am sick again. This time it's a cold with lots of sneezes and a runny, runny nose. I slept in a vat of Vicks Vaporub last night, and was able to breathe through my nose when I woke up in the morning.
Henry Sibley had their first softball games of the season vs Tartan yesterday. Although all Warrior teams lost, my team (B-Squad/Sophomores) did not take the worst beating! The freshmen got that honor losing 26-1. Varsity lost 17-1, and we lost 6-1. Unfortunately my girls struck out 18 times. Since there are only 21 outs in a softball game, we've got some work to do. We still haven't been able to practice outside yet, and today will be no exception. It's 41 degrees, but with 37 mph wind gusts it feels like 31 degrees. And our fields are still mud.
Did I mention that one of my girls asked me last week what a "force out" was? I mean really. This poor girl is 16 years old. Where are her parents? And I had the most difficult time explaining it. I Wikipedia-ed it to see if I could have made myself any clearer, but this it what it said:
And I am sick again. This time it's a cold with lots of sneezes and a runny, runny nose. I slept in a vat of Vicks Vaporub last night, and was able to breathe through my nose when I woke up in the morning.
Henry Sibley had their first softball games of the season vs Tartan yesterday. Although all Warrior teams lost, my team (B-Squad/Sophomores) did not take the worst beating! The freshmen got that honor losing 26-1. Varsity lost 17-1, and we lost 6-1. Unfortunately my girls struck out 18 times. Since there are only 21 outs in a softball game, we've got some work to do. We still haven't been able to practice outside yet, and today will be no exception. It's 41 degrees, but with 37 mph wind gusts it feels like 31 degrees. And our fields are still mud.
Did I mention that one of my girls asked me last week what a "force out" was? I mean really. This poor girl is 16 years old. Where are her parents? And I had the most difficult time explaining it. I Wikipedia-ed it to see if I could have made myself any clearer, but this it what it said:
"In baseball, a force is a situation when a baserunner is compelled (or forced) to vacate his time-of-pitch base--and thus try to advance to the next base--because the batter became a runner. A runner at first base is always forced to attempt to advance to second base when the batter becomes a runner. Runners at second or third base are forced only when all bases preceding their time-of-pitch base are occupied by other baserunners and the batter becomes a runner. A forced runner's force base is the next base beyond his time-of-pitch base. Any attempt by fielders to put a forced runner out is called a force play."
See what I mean?
Monday, April 7, 2008
Oh, how we made such sweet sweet sandwiches!
It was a delightful 3-day weekend for me! Ran about 4 miles Friday morning. Later that night, went to a friend's house for fruity drinks and games (Rock Band and Balderdash). Not quite sure I understand all the hype around Rock Band and Guitar Hero. I mean, I guess it was pretty fun, but I would really rather be doing anything else. Like, why don't these people learn to play real instruments and get together to make real music? Now that would be fun.
Saturday afternoon Meg and I headed over to Minneapolis for one of my long runs. It was supposed to be a 14 miler, but we ended up going just under 16. Meg was on rollerblades, and we weren't sure which direction to run. Went around Calhoun and Harriet and along Minnehaha Parkway, and there are signs for peds and bikers, but not for rollerbladers. Ended up going with the bikers which was a path much less congested and a little wider. It was a beautiful day - almost 60 degrees, I think. The lakes were still frozen over and there was a lovely chilly breeze coming off it. I enjoyed the coolness, but Meg had dead-man hands afterwards (swollen, cold, and clammy). Afterwards we congratulated ourselves with Potbelly sammies and malts.
It rained all day Sunday which was fine by me. Spent most of the day with the Gronaus. Iced my sore right calf while watching the Twins, then ate enchiladas and kept an eye on Lu and Ed while Meg and Joel went to Meg's dance class.
Our softball game was cancelled yesterday- surprise, surprise! What could be worse then almost 5 weeks of indoor practices, I ask you?!? Everyone's getting a little squirrly.
Saturday afternoon Meg and I headed over to Minneapolis for one of my long runs. It was supposed to be a 14 miler, but we ended up going just under 16. Meg was on rollerblades, and we weren't sure which direction to run. Went around Calhoun and Harriet and along Minnehaha Parkway, and there are signs for peds and bikers, but not for rollerbladers. Ended up going with the bikers which was a path much less congested and a little wider. It was a beautiful day - almost 60 degrees, I think. The lakes were still frozen over and there was a lovely chilly breeze coming off it. I enjoyed the coolness, but Meg had dead-man hands afterwards (swollen, cold, and clammy). Afterwards we congratulated ourselves with Potbelly sammies and malts.
It rained all day Sunday which was fine by me. Spent most of the day with the Gronaus. Iced my sore right calf while watching the Twins, then ate enchiladas and kept an eye on Lu and Ed while Meg and Joel went to Meg's dance class.
Our softball game was cancelled yesterday- surprise, surprise! What could be worse then almost 5 weeks of indoor practices, I ask you?!? Everyone's getting a little squirrly.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
And he shall be Livan, and he shall be a good man!
And baseball season has begun! Livan Hernandez picked up the Opening Day win for the Twins last night against the Angels. I nearly cried when Cuddyer fielded a grounder and threw it to first behind the runner who took an extra wide turn. Had he actually gotten the runner out, I know tears would have been shed. And crazy Carlos Gomez with his bunt singles and stolen bases and Joe Nathan striking out Torii Hunter - I'm a happy camper.
Our softball season has been postponed. We were supposed to play our first game tomorrow, but the 1/2 dozen foot of snow dumped on us yesterday put a damper on things. And THANK GOODNESS because we still don't have a pitcher or a catcher.
Winona was able to pull off a win on Saturday to become the Division II National Champs, but Sibley lost in the finals and therefore finished 2nd in state. Not too shabby! Thank goodness basketball season is over so we can concentrate on more important things (baseball & softball)!
Our softball season has been postponed. We were supposed to play our first game tomorrow, but the 1/2 dozen foot of snow dumped on us yesterday put a damper on things. And THANK GOODNESS because we still don't have a pitcher or a catcher.
Winona was able to pull off a win on Saturday to become the Division II National Champs, but Sibley lost in the finals and therefore finished 2nd in state. Not too shabby! Thank goodness basketball season is over so we can concentrate on more important things (baseball & softball)!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Everyone's a Winner!
Both volleyball teams I play on won the first round of playoffs on Thursday! Next week will be our last week, I think. GO Bova! GO Leo's!
Winona State is playing right now for the Division II National Championship, and Sibley plays at 8pm tonight in the Class AAAA State Championship. GO Warriors!
I ran 10 miles this morning along Shepard Road. The winds were pretty strong from the southeast, and I'm glad they were at my back the last 1/2 of the run. It took me an hour and 35 minutes. Lots of people were out running this morning - it must have been the thing to do!
I have to go to work now.
Winona State is playing right now for the Division II National Championship, and Sibley plays at 8pm tonight in the Class AAAA State Championship. GO Warriors!
I ran 10 miles this morning along Shepard Road. The winds were pretty strong from the southeast, and I'm glad they were at my back the last 1/2 of the run. It took me an hour and 35 minutes. Lots of people were out running this morning - it must have been the thing to do!
I have to go to work now.
Friday, March 28, 2008
I don't need an excuse, 'cause I'm wearing my brand new shoes!
I ran 4 miles this morning in my new kickers. They felt like heaven on my feet! The streets were clean and dry and it was cool, but the sun felt warm. I showered then went to lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings with Donna. We ate some tasty chicken strips and potato circles. I worked from 3-11:30 tonight, and it was a most delightful shift! I feel like I had more to write, but I just can't think of anything!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
March Madness
Congratulations to the mens basketball teams of Winona State University and Henry Sibley High School, each winning their respective playoff games yesterday! The Sibley Warriors play in the semifinals at 2:00 today at the Target Center, and the WSU Warriors will play in the Semi-Finals at 7:30 tonight in Springfield, MA. Good luck to both teams!
Because our entire softball team will be going to cheer on their friends, practice will be shortened by about an hour. This is a bit frustrating since they definitely need as much practice as possible at this point. Plus they get out of practice early this Friday because of the Sadie Hawkins dance, and next Friday because of the Father-Daughter dance.
After practice today, I play in a couple of volleyball games down in Apple Valley. No time to run, which is just fine with me. The instep of my left foot is a little sore, so I'll rest it today.
Because our entire softball team will be going to cheer on their friends, practice will be shortened by about an hour. This is a bit frustrating since they definitely need as much practice as possible at this point. Plus they get out of practice early this Friday because of the Sadie Hawkins dance, and next Friday because of the Father-Daughter dance.
After practice today, I play in a couple of volleyball games down in Apple Valley. No time to run, which is just fine with me. The instep of my left foot is a little sore, so I'll rest it today.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Here Comes the Sun!
Didn't like any of my patients last night. All young, annoying, whiny girls with NOTHING wrong with them. One girl was from Missouri, the "Show Me State". I told her to show me something wrong with her and I would show her the drugs! She didn't think it was too funny.
Worked until midnight, but woke up refreshed around 9am. Ate some Cracklin' Oat Bran and then some Lucky Charms with my extra milk. Drove to Lake Phalen and ran around it twice - total of 6.49 miles with a pace of 9.05 min/mile. Blue and sunny skies, 46 degrees, not too windy- just how I like it! Drove to the Gronau house for lunch: leftover pizza, tuna salad, strawberries. Lucy, Meg and I had our own little version of Star Search in the living room. Lucy was the most original, and I think Meg got some of it on film.
I am now showered, ready to nap in the sun until softball practice at 6pm.
Worked until midnight, but woke up refreshed around 9am. Ate some Cracklin' Oat Bran and then some Lucky Charms with my extra milk. Drove to Lake Phalen and ran around it twice - total of 6.49 miles with a pace of 9.05 min/mile. Blue and sunny skies, 46 degrees, not too windy- just how I like it! Drove to the Gronau house for lunch: leftover pizza, tuna salad, strawberries. Lucy, Meg and I had our own little version of Star Search in the living room. Lucy was the most original, and I think Meg got some of it on film.
I am now showered, ready to nap in the sun until softball practice at 6pm.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I ran 3 miles today with a 9-minute mile pace. I think I need to be concentrating more on my distances at this point and not on my speed. But it's hard - after my run yesterday, Lance Armstrong came onto my iPod saying, "This is Lance Armstrong. Congratulations on your personal best for the mile!" And I aim to please. I still haven't worn my new shoes yet, but I think maybe tomorrow will be the day.
I work from 3-11pm tonight, so I'm gong to have to tape American Idol. Does anyone know what they'll be singing this week?
I work from 3-11pm tonight, so I'm gong to have to tape American Idol. Does anyone know what they'll be singing this week?
Monday, March 24, 2008
I was supposed to to to New York with my mom for the weekend. We had fantastic plans to see Broadway shows, museums, large buildings, famous people, etc. Well, we didn't make it.
It all started Tuesday afternoon when I got a terrible headache. I blamed it on the beer at the Wild game the night before. Wednesday I got the chills at work really bad. I kept checking my temp which kept going up and up. I really wanted to and probably should have taken some Tylenol or Ibuprofen, but I had a bet with this doofus at work that my fever would go above 103 by 3pm, so I held off. (As I type this, I am seeing how ridiculous I sound.) Anyway, by 3 it was 103.6, so I took some drugs and my $20 and went home. I called in sick Thursday and saw my doctor just to make sure I didn’t have anything contagious. (I think flying while contagious is just bad form). I was negative for strep and she didn’t think I presented like the flu. She gave me the ok to fly and we still planned to leave for NY Friday morning, and if I had felt even remotely normal, I would have bucked up and gone, but I felt like I was going to die. Chills, sweats, sore throats, I couldn’t do it.
Instead, my parents drove up from Chicago to nurse me back to health! It was seriously so nice to have them here! Mom made chicken noodle soup and hot tea with lemon and honey, Dad sang/hummed tunes, and I slept for 3 days.
I woke up Easter morning feeling like a new person! We bought last-minute tickets to The Drowsy Chaperone at the Ordway, and ate omelets and fruit and coffee cake for Easter dinner. I am bummed about not going to NY, but as a wise friend of mine said, "New York will probably always be there."
I have officially begun my serious marathon training. Now that I am healthy and the weather is *somewhat* cooperating, I'm all in.
It all started Tuesday afternoon when I got a terrible headache. I blamed it on the beer at the Wild game the night before. Wednesday I got the chills at work really bad. I kept checking my temp which kept going up and up. I really wanted to and probably should have taken some Tylenol or Ibuprofen, but I had a bet with this doofus at work that my fever would go above 103 by 3pm, so I held off. (As I type this, I am seeing how ridiculous I sound.) Anyway, by 3 it was 103.6, so I took some drugs and my $20 and went home. I called in sick Thursday and saw my doctor just to make sure I didn’t have anything contagious. (I think flying while contagious is just bad form). I was negative for strep and she didn’t think I presented like the flu. She gave me the ok to fly and we still planned to leave for NY Friday morning, and if I had felt even remotely normal, I would have bucked up and gone, but I felt like I was going to die. Chills, sweats, sore throats, I couldn’t do it.
Instead, my parents drove up from Chicago to nurse me back to health! It was seriously so nice to have them here! Mom made chicken noodle soup and hot tea with lemon and honey, Dad sang/hummed tunes, and I slept for 3 days.
I woke up Easter morning feeling like a new person! We bought last-minute tickets to The Drowsy Chaperone at the Ordway, and ate omelets and fruit and coffee cake for Easter dinner. I am bummed about not going to NY, but as a wise friend of mine said, "New York will probably always be there."
I have officially begun my serious marathon training. Now that I am healthy and the weather is *somewhat* cooperating, I'm all in.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Sunflower seeds strike again!
I've had a few run-ins with patients impacted with sunflower seeds. Without going into too much detail, I have single-handedly been able to resolve their issues. On the news this afternoon, I saw a breaking story about a truck full of sunflower seeds that crashed on I-35W and spewed seeds all over the road. I was fondly reminded of my days on 4400, my former unit at the hospital. I tried to find the story online, so I went to kstp.com and typed in the search area for "sunflower seeds". It must not have made it on-line yet, because guess what headline popped up?
`4400’ Fans Send Network Sunflower Seeds
So weird. I should probably go buy a Powerball ticket today.
I ran this morning with my iPod and my new iPod chip which tells me my distance, time, and pace. Today I ran 12.5-minute miles. Yucko. I've got a long way to go, that's for sure. I haven't work my new shoes yet, either. They're just so clean!
Softball season has started at Henry Sibley HS! Pitchers and catchers reported yesterday, and everyone else will join them tomorrow. It will be a long while before we get outside, though. The fields have at least a foot and a half of snow on them!
`4400’ Fans Send Network Sunflower Seeds
So weird. I should probably go buy a Powerball ticket today.
I ran this morning with my iPod and my new iPod chip which tells me my distance, time, and pace. Today I ran 12.5-minute miles. Yucko. I've got a long way to go, that's for sure. I haven't work my new shoes yet, either. They're just so clean!
Softball season has started at Henry Sibley HS! Pitchers and catchers reported yesterday, and everyone else will join them tomorrow. It will be a long while before we get outside, though. The fields have at least a foot and a half of snow on them!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Happy Leap Day!
Congratulations to my friends Rachel and Rhiannon who each gave birth to little girls this month!
Sydney Ann Schepp was born February 13th. She was 8 lbs. 9 oz. and 21 inches long.
Mallory Grace Blawat was born on February 25th. She was 7lbs 3oz and 18 3/4 in long.
I went to the Running Room yesterday and found that I'm an over-pronator. Who knew? I ended up buying a new pair of running shoes. They are Asics - same brand as my previous marathon shoes, but these have more arch support. And they're very pretty.
I'm off to work now. I hope it's a quiet weekend!
Sydney Ann Schepp was born February 13th. She was 8 lbs. 9 oz. and 21 inches long.
Mallory Grace Blawat was born on February 25th. She was 7lbs 3oz and 18 3/4 in long.
I went to the Running Room yesterday and found that I'm an over-pronator. Who knew? I ended up buying a new pair of running shoes. They are Asics - same brand as my previous marathon shoes, but these have more arch support. And they're very pretty.
I'm off to work now. I hope it's a quiet weekend!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I Burnt My Beans!
The only doctor I've been sleeping with lately is Dr. Beans, my microwaveable bean-filled heat pack. He's been warming up my toes on these chilly nights. Last night, however, I nuked him a bit too long, and I was smelling burnt beans all night. Whoops!
I rented Across the Universe the other night and have had the songs running through my head, CD player, and iPod since. The director describes it as "an original movie musical using the Beatles' songs as its score and inspiration for the story." The arrangements and performances were amazing, and it reminded me of Moulin Rouge!, Forrest Gump, and The Princess Bride all bottled together. So rent it!
I enjoy Mrs. Grass chicken noodle soup. It comes in a little box and is my favorite non-homemade soup. I almost always buy the original flavor, but last time I was shopping they were sold out. I saw there was a Mrs. Grass "extra noodle" box, so I thought I'd give it a try. The box looked identical to the original, with the exception of a big red "40% MORE NOODLES" on it. As I was making it tonight, I noticed that the instructions called for 3 cups of water whereas the original calls for 4 cups. I ended up using 4 cups of water, and it seemed to make the same amount and taste the same. Did Mrs. Grass think I wouldn't notice that? I don't think the price was much different, so what gives?
I rented Across the Universe the other night and have had the songs running through my head, CD player, and iPod since. The director describes it as "an original movie musical using the Beatles' songs as its score and inspiration for the story." The arrangements and performances were amazing, and it reminded me of Moulin Rouge!, Forrest Gump, and The Princess Bride all bottled together. So rent it!
I enjoy Mrs. Grass chicken noodle soup. It comes in a little box and is my favorite non-homemade soup. I almost always buy the original flavor, but last time I was shopping they were sold out. I saw there was a Mrs. Grass "extra noodle" box, so I thought I'd give it a try. The box looked identical to the original, with the exception of a big red "40% MORE NOODLES" on it. As I was making it tonight, I noticed that the instructions called for 3 cups of water whereas the original calls for 4 cups. I ended up using 4 cups of water, and it seemed to make the same amount and taste the same. Did Mrs. Grass think I wouldn't notice that? I don't think the price was much different, so what gives?
Sunday, February 10, 2008
To shave-a da face!
Saturday evening I played a couple of softball games in the Metrodome! The coed team I play with over the summer got together along with a few extras thanks to Aaron Briner and his crazy connections. We played 2 full games right on the stinkin' field, sat in the dugouts, stood in the on-deck circle, it was great. Here are a few pictures...
And then earlier this afternoon I drove back into Minneapolis to see Sweeney Todd at the State Theatre. It was a phenomenal production. This tale of the Demon Barber of Fleet Street is set in an insane asylum. There are just 10 performers, none of whom leave the stage. But here's the kicker - they also form the orchestra! The level of talent was so amazing.
I can't believe my weekend is almost over. Why so fast? And why so cold? I think the high for today was -5°. Sounds like it's time for some hot chocolate!
Friday, February 8, 2008
And no, I didn't kill anybody!
I had my first 2 shifts all on my own in the ER yesterday and today. Yesterday was a controlled busy; today was verging on out of control. We had a couple of intubations, a cardioversion, and an acute MI among the bunch. I had lots of help, though, and when I punched out at the end of the day everyone was still alive. Huzzah!
But now I am completely exhausted. I am really looking forward to my weekend off, even though temperatures are supposed to plummet. I'm getting pretty darn sick of this cold weather, I tell you what.
On a good note, my sinus infection has just about completely cleared. And just in time, too - I ran out of kleenexes this morning!
That's all for now - I can't think anymore today.
But now I am completely exhausted. I am really looking forward to my weekend off, even though temperatures are supposed to plummet. I'm getting pretty darn sick of this cold weather, I tell you what.
On a good note, my sinus infection has just about completely cleared. And just in time, too - I ran out of kleenexes this morning!
That's all for now - I can't think anymore today.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I got a FEVER!
The last couple of weeks I've had a headache, congestion, and a runny nose, all on my right side. Now, I'm not normally one to complain and I have a pretty high pain tolerance. But last night I couldn't take it anymore. I could feel my heart pounding in my forehead, and I did not feel good. So instead of waiting in Urgent Care all day today, one of the lovely Nurse Practitioners I work with diagnosed me with a sinus infection (my first one!) and prescribed me some antibiotics. I filled the prescription at the pharmacy in my hospital, gobbled them up and immediately began to feel better not even 2 hours later. I was able to finish my shift almost pain free! Finally a perk to being an ER nurse!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
A Bad Sign?
So I've been keeping an old wishbone from Thanksgiving dinner on my counter. I actually had it on one of those rotating spoon holders, and forgot it was there. As I was cleaning today, I saw it and thought I should really get rid of that thing. But I didn't want to waste a wish and I would be the one pulling at each end, so how could I lose? I couldn't. So I closed my eyes and wished that I would have a boyfriend soon. Or that I would meet a great guy soon. Or I would talk to a nice single handsome guy soon. Something like that.
And I slowly pulled that old bone apart...
and then the top popped off. The keystone, if you will, literally flew up into the air and I was left holding the two short ends of the bone.
Unbelievable! This was supposed to be a win-win situation! And I didn't. How could this happen?
I think it's a sign.
And I slowly pulled that old bone apart...
and then the top popped off. The keystone, if you will, literally flew up into the air and I was left holding the two short ends of the bone.
Unbelievable! This was supposed to be a win-win situation! And I didn't. How could this happen?
I think it's a sign.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Where the devil are my slippers?
Congratulations to my friends Katie and Ross who had a baby boy on Friday! Ari was 9 pounds 2 ounces, and has a full head of dark brown hair. He is the cutest little bundle and makes all kinds of wonderful coos and squeaks.
Drove to IL Friday morning, singing showtunes all the way. Ate dinner at a restaurant in Greektown with my parents, Ellen, Eric, and cousin Mary and her fiancee Francisco. After dinner saw My Fair Lady at the Cadillac Palace. Despite some flubbed lines by Marni Nixon (singing voice of Audrey Hepburn in the film My Fair Lady), some crazy spotlight issues, and a shameful comb over by Henry Higgins, it was a good production and I'm glad I got to see it.
Saturday morning I drove into Wisconsin for a surprise 30th birthday party for my friend Rachel. She was actually surprised! It was great to see all those gals and their hubbies and their children! Rachel and Rhi are both quite pregnant with girls (one for each!) and they look fantastic. So many babies!
I ran around Lake Phalen this afternoon, and I think the temp was 40 degrees. No kidding. It felt wonderful! I used my iPod for the first time on a run, and I think I'm going to like it. I just need to figure out how to get all my "running songs" into one section so I can avoid Billy Joel's "And So It Goes" (not super motivational) and some crazy "What Makes the Monkey Dance?" song.
Just watched Johnny Weir perform in the US Figure Skating Championships held right here in St. Paul. Good God. Lucy even asked "is that a boy or a girl?" His costume was a sight to behold.
I have decided to teach myself to play the guitar. I picked up my dad's old acoustic guitar this weekend and have been trying to learn chords. It's harder than I thought, and my fingers are really sore.
Drove to IL Friday morning, singing showtunes all the way. Ate dinner at a restaurant in Greektown with my parents, Ellen, Eric, and cousin Mary and her fiancee Francisco. After dinner saw My Fair Lady at the Cadillac Palace. Despite some flubbed lines by Marni Nixon (singing voice of Audrey Hepburn in the film My Fair Lady), some crazy spotlight issues, and a shameful comb over by Henry Higgins, it was a good production and I'm glad I got to see it.
Saturday morning I drove into Wisconsin for a surprise 30th birthday party for my friend Rachel. She was actually surprised! It was great to see all those gals and their hubbies and their children! Rachel and Rhi are both quite pregnant with girls (one for each!) and they look fantastic. So many babies!
I ran around Lake Phalen this afternoon, and I think the temp was 40 degrees. No kidding. It felt wonderful! I used my iPod for the first time on a run, and I think I'm going to like it. I just need to figure out how to get all my "running songs" into one section so I can avoid Billy Joel's "And So It Goes" (not super motivational) and some crazy "What Makes the Monkey Dance?" song.
Just watched Johnny Weir perform in the US Figure Skating Championships held right here in St. Paul. Good God. Lucy even asked "is that a boy or a girl?" His costume was a sight to behold.
I have decided to teach myself to play the guitar. I picked up my dad's old acoustic guitar this weekend and have been trying to learn chords. It's harder than I thought, and my fingers are really sore.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Bad Blogger!
So I haven't written in over a month. But it's not my fault! I've been busy. Where should I start? Let's see...
Work. The ER has been busy, but fun. I'm still technically in orientation, but most days I work on my own because we've been so short-staffed. I passed my EKG and ACLS classes, meaning I can now take care of any patient, push just about any drug, and run a code. Terrifying, I know. We had a 20-something guy come in with a knife wound in his back, so they put the ER in lockdown mode. I didn't even know that could happen! I also saw a blood alcohol level of 0.46 on New Year's Day. Pretty exciting stuff.
Volleyball. The winter season started up a few weeks ago, and it's nice to be playing again. With the writer's strike still going on, it's nice to have something to do on Thursday evenings.
Health. I'm getting over a nasty cold that's been lingering for a week. It started with a really runny nose and sneezes. Then I got super congested, and although I appreciated having back control of my nasal secretions, I felt like I had a head full of snot. Not good. And then in a Cold-Eeze-induced stupor, I registered for Grandma's Marathon on June 21st.
Friends. A girl I used to work with got married earlier this month, and her reception was at the MN History Center. That is such a cool building! The wedding was lovely, and each table had a cake on it - my kind of centerpiece!
I met St. Colette friends Caryn and Stacey at Caryn's condo in Chicago last weekend. We drank too many piƱa coladas and somehow I ended up signed up for Match.com. I'm still not really sure how the whole thing works, but I'm trying to figure it out.
Sisters. Meg and Joel and the kids were living with me for 10 days while their kitchen was being remodeled. They are in California now, and they totally needed a vacation from me. My place is not that big and I think they were all getting cabin fever. I enjoyed the company, though! Ellen and her boyfriend are planning on moving in together sometime this spring/summer! So exciting! I think they're going to be looking in the Wicker Park area of Chicago, but don't quote me on that.
I've got to get my day moving now. There are dishes and laundry to be done!
Work. The ER has been busy, but fun. I'm still technically in orientation, but most days I work on my own because we've been so short-staffed. I passed my EKG and ACLS classes, meaning I can now take care of any patient, push just about any drug, and run a code. Terrifying, I know. We had a 20-something guy come in with a knife wound in his back, so they put the ER in lockdown mode. I didn't even know that could happen! I also saw a blood alcohol level of 0.46 on New Year's Day. Pretty exciting stuff.
Volleyball. The winter season started up a few weeks ago, and it's nice to be playing again. With the writer's strike still going on, it's nice to have something to do on Thursday evenings.
Health. I'm getting over a nasty cold that's been lingering for a week. It started with a really runny nose and sneezes. Then I got super congested, and although I appreciated having back control of my nasal secretions, I felt like I had a head full of snot. Not good. And then in a Cold-Eeze-induced stupor, I registered for Grandma's Marathon on June 21st.
Friends. A girl I used to work with got married earlier this month, and her reception was at the MN History Center. That is such a cool building! The wedding was lovely, and each table had a cake on it - my kind of centerpiece!
I met St. Colette friends Caryn and Stacey at Caryn's condo in Chicago last weekend. We drank too many piƱa coladas and somehow I ended up signed up for Match.com. I'm still not really sure how the whole thing works, but I'm trying to figure it out.
Sisters. Meg and Joel and the kids were living with me for 10 days while their kitchen was being remodeled. They are in California now, and they totally needed a vacation from me. My place is not that big and I think they were all getting cabin fever. I enjoyed the company, though! Ellen and her boyfriend are planning on moving in together sometime this spring/summer! So exciting! I think they're going to be looking in the Wicker Park area of Chicago, but don't quote me on that.
I've got to get my day moving now. There are dishes and laundry to be done!
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