Wednesday, April 23, 2008


My right foot has really been bothering me lately. I talked to some docs at work about it, and after convincing me that my foot would need to be amputated and I would be forced to re-register for the marathon in the wheelchair division, they told me to go to Run-n-Fun to see what they could do for me. No one seems to think it's a stress fracture, which would mean 6+ weeks of no running. An x-ray could confirm, but I can't quite get to that point. I bought some insoles that I'll try out (and got 20% off because I'm a coach!), and I've been trying to avoid running for the past week. Lots of RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation). I have my first softball game tonight and a 10K on Saturday, so I'll see how this all goes.

Speaking of icing, I haven't really been able to make ice fast enough so I've been using a lot of old frozen veggies. It's been a good way to clean out my freezer, that's for sure. Right now I've got corn on the foot that probably should have been eaten in 2005.

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