Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I drive to the gym this morning and bike 15 miles. The biking has become less painful since I have gotten over my spandex anxiety. (Wearing regular gym/running shorts has been giving me major chafing problems, and even though I HATE wearing spandex in public, it seems to be for the best.) I eat ants-on-a-log for lunch, then as I get ready for work, work calls ME and asks if I want to be on-call. Perfect! So I shift gears and change into my softball coaching costume. Our first game is this afternoon vs Mahtomedi. The Zephers are always a nice team to play, and it's sunny and 50 degrees. We lose 2-3 in 9 innings (we usually only play 7). I'm impressed with our defense, but our girls are slooooowww. Not sure I can fix that in 6 weeks. We'll work on hitting it farther instead.

Since I don't get called in to work, I can actually watch American Idol! So here's my review of Season 8: The Final 8: Songs from the year contestants were born. Immediately I realize we'll be hearing mostly 80's songs. *sigh* But here we go...

Danny - 1980: Stand By Me
I don't like this song, although I think I like this new arrangement more than the original. The judges don't agree with me. Danny sings it well, I'm sure he's safe.

Did anyone else see the promo for the new show Glee? It looks awesome!!!

Kris - 1985: All She Wants To Do Is Dance
This song is retarded. And Kris, if you're going to have a guitar, I want to hear you play it. The band took over. All I want to do is turn off the trumpets.

Lil - 1984: What's Love Got To Do With It?
Paula leads off with "First of all, you look hot." This is never a good sign. Lil, you do not have Tina's legs so please stop trying to walk like her. (Simon mentioned this as well.) I think you were pitchy and boring tonight. And it seems like you get short of breath during your songs. Aren't there exercises you can do to keep this from happening?

Anoop - 1986: True Colors
Your ugly green striped sweater is ugly. I had trouble hearing the words, and don't really understand all the praise from the judges. I wish Megan was back singing this song instead.

Scott - 1985: The Search Is Over
Standing alone on the stage with your guitar made me a little nervous. But you are quite talented, and I thought your voice was better than usual tonight. Sorry the judges ripped you a new one.

Allison - 1992: I Can't Make You Love Me
Finally a song from the 90s! But what are you wearing? Did a buffalo die on your lap? Allison, you have a fantastic voice, but why does America not like you? Please try to stay out of the bottom three so we can get rid of some dead weight.

Matt - 1985: Part Time Lover
This is the Matt that I know and love. Good vocals, good performance.

Adam - 1982: Mad World
Very smart of Fox to have you perform last. You are well worth the wait. This song is super creepy, but you are sooooo good. And it looked like you were sitting on the sun.

In order of importance:


Unknown said...

I love it when we share a brain. It actually seemed to work for our benefit in Scattergories.
I wish I'd said lots of the things you said. You rock.

Jean said...

I was thinking that I wasn't as harsh as I should/could have been. Next time...

Heather said...

Jean, you had me laughing out loud - especially with your review of Adam. He DID look like he was sitting on the sun! Well said.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Anoop's sweater was such a distraction. I do not understand why the judges loved him last night. I did not get to see Adam b/c my DVR stopped recording! (from Rachel)

Jean said...

I know, Rachel- who would think they would go into overtime? Fear not. You can watch it on youtube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Swgx-7tMjw8

Rhi said...

I generally have to close my eyes when I "watch" Anoop and Scott, it seems to sound better.