Monday, August 13, 2007

Longest. Run. Ever.

Well, for me, that is!
I drove over to Meg's house this morning. She packed up the kids into her bike stroller thingy, and we headed out, she biking, me running. We left from their house and headed to Lake Phalen. From there, we found the Gateway Trail with moderate difficulty. (I recently heard about this trail, and it's great! The total length is 18.3 miles, and it starts somewhere in St. Paul, and ends just north of Stillwater.) Meg rode the first hour with me, but then the kids started to melt, so they headed back home. I continued on for another 15 minutes or so, then turned around and retraced my steps. I ran just over 15 miles in 2.5 hours. (If you want a cool website, go to You can plot running/biking routes, and it calculates mileage, etc.) The last 3 miles were killer! I got really thirsty, and it was getting pretty warm out, too. Nothing hurt, at least!

Ellen ran in the Chicago Distance Classic 1/2 Marathon Saturday morning. She finished in 1 hr 51 minutes (8.5 minute miles) and in her women's division (ages 25-29), she finished 129 out of 1175. She amazes me.
I'll try to add a picture later, but I'm going to post this now before my power goes out. There are some crazy storms tonight!!


Rhi said...

Wow Jean!!! 15 miles?? Wow!! I continue to be super impressed!! Keep up the awesome work!! I am curious as to how much weight you have lost over the course of your training? Are you eating a lot more to compensate for all the calories you are buring?

Anonymous said...

I second Rhi's questions! You have to be in awesome shape. I am very impressed. Keep it up!!


Anonymous said...

Well, hello Milwaukee gals! To answer your burning questions, I have been losing some weight, but I have not really been eating right. At first I thought that the more I ran, the more I would want to eat. But really, the more I run, the less hungry I am. It's kind of strange, actually.
It might be that I've been so busy that I put eating on the back burner. Who knows?