Saturday, December 2, 2006

Reindeer Run

This morning my friend Donna picked me up at 8am and we drove to Minneapolis for the Reindeer Run - a 5K "fun run" around Lake Harriet. The temperature was 10 degrees, with wind gusts up to 15 mph. The day started with a costume contest in which I did not participate, followed by the run. There were a lot of people and dogs and sleds and elves and Santa Clauses and reindeer. We finished in about 30 minutes, and had fun, despite the chilliness. Afterwards we got water and apples and bananas and potato chips and something brown called an energy biscuit. I also got a long sleeve t-shirt (the real reason I agreed to do this run)!


Unknown said...

Yeah, but how fast could Santa really be? The elves, though, I can definitely see would be cause for concern. Those suckers are wily.

Jean said...

Santa is fast and dangerous when he is being pushed in a Target cart by 6 drunken reindeer!

Unknown said...

Shut up, are you serious? I would have liked to have seen that.